Caviare — Caviar Cav i*ar, Caviare Ca*viare , n. [F. caviar, fr. It. caviale, fr. Turk. Hav[=i][=a]r.] The roes of the sturgeon, prepared and salted; used as a relish, esp. in Russia. [1913 Webster] Note: Caviare was considered a delicacy, by some, in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
The Sugarcubes — Datos generales Origen Islandia Información artística … Wikipedia Español
caviar caviare — noun (U) 1 the preserved eggs of various large fish, eaten as a special very expensive food 2 caviar to the general BrE literary something that only a sensitive and educated person can enjoy or understand … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
List of James Bond henchmen in The World Is Not Enough — A list of henchmen from the 1999 James Bond film The World Is Not Enough from the List of James Bond henchmen Contents 1 Giulietta da Vinci (Cigar Girl) 2 Gabor 3 Bullion … Wikipedia
Taste — I (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Taste >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 taste taste flavor gust gusto savor Sgm: N 1 gout gout relish Sgm: N 1 sapor| sapor| sapidity Sgm: N 1 twang … English dictionary for students
Caviar — Cav i*ar, Caviare Ca*viare , n. [F. caviar, fr. It. caviale, fr. Turk. Hav[=i][=a]r.] The roes of the sturgeon, prepared and salted; used as a relish, esp. in Russia. [1913 Webster] Note: Caviare was considered a delicacy, by some, in Shakespeare … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fish quotations — an arbitrary selection follows and also includes proverbs, rhymes, fragments of show tunes, and ditties (as Q lacks piscine entries). Some other proverbs appear in the letter files: 1 Anaximander says that men were first produced in fishes, and… … Dictionary of ichthyology
Liste geflügelter Worte/K — Geflügelte Worte A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
свинья в апельсинах — Не свиным рылом лимоны нюхать. Ср. Знает толк, как свинья в апельсинах . Ср. Его сиятельство смыслил в делах столько же, если не менее, сколько известная Аксинья смыслила в апельсинах. Н. Макаров. Воспоминания. 1, 10. Ср. Вот... теперь... подумал … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона
Свинья в апельсинах — Свинья въ апельсинахъ. Не свинымъ рыломъ лимоны нюхать. Ср. «Знаетъ толкъ, какъ свинья въ апельсинахъ». Ср. Его сіятельство смыслилъ въ дѣлахъ столько же, если не менѣе, сколько извѣстная Аксинья смыслила въ апельсинахъ. Н. Макаровъ. Воспоминанія … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)