Every established religion was once a heresy.

Every established religion was once a heresy.

Русская мысль и речь. Свое и чужое. Опыт русской фразеологии. Сборник образных слов и иносказаний. Т.Т. 1—2. Ходячие и меткие слова. Сборник русских и иностранных цитат, пословиц, поговорок, пословичных выражений и отдельных слов. СПб., тип. Ак. наук.. . 1896—1912.

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Смотреть что такое "Every established religion was once a heresy." в других словарях:

  • religion — religionless, adj. /ri lij euhn/, n. 1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and… …   Universalium

  • Heresy in the 20th century — Formal charges of heresy, although less common than in the medieval period, have not died out. Within the Christian churches there continued to be formal charges of heresy as well as less formal censures such as dismissal. The key issues in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Religion in Portugal — Interior of the Jerónimos Monastery, in Lisbon. Portugal has no official religion. The most predominant religion in Portugal is Roman Catholicism. Approximately 84% of the population of Portugal is nominally Catholic, though only about 19% attend …   Wikipedia

  • Heresy — • St. Thomas defines heresy: a species of infidelity in men who, having professed the faith of Christ, corrupt its dogmas Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Heresy     Heresy      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • приличье, вкус — все так условно — Ср. У людей что сегодня ложь, то завтра может быть истиной. Лесков. Обойденные. 2, 9. Ср. Приличье, вкус все так условно. М.Ю. Лермонтов. Журналист. Читатель и писатель. Ср. Люди заставляют религию и разум покоряться их предрассудкам. Климент XIV …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона

  • Приличье, вкус — все так условно — Приличье вкусъ все такъ условно. Ср. У людей что̀ сегодня ложь, то завтра можетъ быть истиной. Лѣсковъ. Обойденные. 2, 9. Ср. Приличье вкусъ все такъ условно. М. Ю. Лермонтовъ. Журналистъ. Читатель и писатель. Ср. Люди заставляютъ религію и… …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)

  • Religion in Australia — There is no state religion in Australia, the establishment of which is prohibited by the Constitution. Nearly two thirds (64%) of the population claim at least nominal adherence to a Christian based religion, but nearly one third (30%), do not… …   Wikipedia

  • History of religion in the United States — The religious history of the United States begins more than a century before the former British colonies became the United States of America in 1776.Some of the original settlers were men and women of deep religious convictions. The religious… …   Wikipedia

  • Christian heresy in the 20th century — Although less common than in the medieval period, formal charges of heresy within Christian churches still occur. Key issues in the Protestant churches have included modern biblical criticism, the nature of God, and the acceptability of gay… …   Wikipedia

  • Criticism of religion — Part of a series on Irreligion …   Wikipedia

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