Fricative — Fric a*tive, a. [See {Frication}.] (Phon.) Produced by the friction or rustling of the breath, intonated or unintonated, through a narrow opening between two of the mouth organs; uttered through a close approach, but not with a complete closure,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fricative — ● fricative nom féminin (latin fricatum, de fricare, frotter) Synonyme de constrictive. ● fricative (synonymes) nom féminin (latin fricatum, de fricare, frotter) Synonymes : constrictive … Encyclopédie Universelle
fricative — [frik′ə tiv] adj. [< L fricatus, pp. of fricare (see FRIABLE) + IVE] Phonet. articulated by means of breath forced through a narrow slit formed at some point in the mouth, producing friction, as in (f, v, th, z, h) n. a fricative consonant … English World dictionary
fricative — 1860 (adj.), 1863 (n.), from Mod.L. fricativus, from L. fricatus, pp. of fricare to rub … Etymology dictionary
Fricative — Consonne fricative Mode d’articulation Obstruction Constrictive Occlusive Affriquée Fricative Sonante Spirante Liquide Semi voyelle Vibrante Roulée Ba … Wikipédia en Français
fricative — UK [ˈfrɪkətɪv] / US noun [countable] Word forms fricative : singular fricative plural fricatives linguistics a speech sound that is made by pushing air out through a small space between your teeth and your tongue or lips, or between your tongue… … English dictionary
fricative — noun Etymology: Latin fricatus, past participle of fricare Date: 1863 a consonant characterized by frictional passage of the expired breath through a narrowing at some point in the vocal tract • fricative adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
fricative — /frik euh tiv/, Phonet. adj. 1. (of a speech sound) characterized by audible friction produced by forcing the breath through a constricted or partially obstructed passage in the vocal tract; spirantal; spirant. n. 2. Also called spirant. a… … Universalium
fricative — 1. noun Any of several sounds produced by air flowing through a constriction in the oral cavity and typically producing a sibilant, hissing, or buzzing quality; a fricative consonant. English F and S are fricatives. Syn: spirant 2 … Wiktionary
fricative — fric•a•tive [[t]ˈfrɪk ə tɪv[/t]] n. 1) phn a consonant sound, as (th), (v), or (h), characterized by audible friction produced by forcing the breath through a constricted or partially obstructed passage in the vocal tract 2) phn of or pertaining… … From formal English to slang