Continuant — Con*tin u*ant, a. Continuing; prolonged; sustained; as, a continuant sound. n. A continuant sound; a letter whose sound may be prolonged. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
continuant — [kən tin′yo͞o ənt] n. [ME < L continuans, prp.: see CONTINUE] Phonet. a speech sound that can be prolonged as long as the breath lasts, with no significant change in the quality of the sound: continuants include fricatives (s, f, th, etc.),… … English World dictionary
Continuant — For the mathematical term, see continuant (mathematics) . A continuant is a sound produced with an incomplete closure of the vocal tract. That is, any sound except a stop (plosive) or nasal. An affricate is considered to be a complex segment,… … Wikipedia
continuant — /keuhn tin yooh euhnt/, Phonet. n. 1. a consonant, as /f, s/ that may be prolonged without change of quality. Cf. stop (def. 39). adj. 2. pertaining to or noting a continuant. [1600 10; < L continuant , s. of continuans, prp. of continuare to… … Universalium
continuant — noun Date: 1861 1. something that continues or serves as a continuation 2. a speech sound (as a fricative or vowel) that is produced without a complete closure of the breath passage compare stop • continuant adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
continuant — con tin·u·ant || É™nt n. consonant which may be prolonged without changing the sound (Phonetics) adj. of or pertaining to a continuant, of a consonant which may be prolonged without changing the sound (Phonetics) … English contemporary dictionary
continuant — noun 1》 Phonetics a consonant which is sounded with the vocal tract only partly closed, allowing the breath to pass through and the sound to be prolonged (as with f, l, m, n, r, s, v). 2》 Philosophy & Psychology a thing that retains its identity… … English new terms dictionary
continuant — con•tin•u•ant [[t]kənˈtɪn yu ənt[/t]] n. 1) phn a consonant sound, as (f), (l), or (s), that may be prolonged without change of quality Compare stop 37) 2) phn of or pertaining to a continuant • Etymology: 1860–65 … From formal English to slang
continuant — n. & adj. Phonet. n. a speech sound in which the vocal tract is only partly closed, allowing the breath to pass through and the sound to be prolonged (as with f, r, s, v). adj. of or relating to such a sound. Etymology: F continuant and L… … Useful english dictionary
Continuant (mathematics) — In algebra, the continuant is a multivariate polynomial representing the determinant of a tridiagonal matrix and having applications in generalized continued fractions. Contents 1 Definition 2 Applications 3 References … Wikipedia