- jurisprudentia
jūris-prūdentia, ae f. (чаще раздельно)правоведение, юриспруденция Dig
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
jurisprudentia — /juraspruwdensh(iy)a/ In the civil and common law, jurisprudence, or legal science … Black's law dictionary
jurisprudentia — /juraspruwdensh(iy)a/ In the civil and common law, jurisprudence, or legal science … Black's law dictionary
jurisprudentia — Same as jurisprudence … Ballentine's law dictionary
jurisprudentia est divinarum atque humanarum rerum notitia, justi atque injusti scientia — /juraspruwdensh(iy)a est divaneram aetkwiy hyuwmsnersm riram nowtish(iy)3, jastay aetkwiy injastay sayensh(iy)a/ Jurisprudence is the knowledge of things divine and human, the science of what is right and what is wrong … Black's law dictionary
jurisprudentia legis communis anglias est scientia socialis et copiosa — /juraspruwdensh(iy)a liyjas kamyuwnas aengliyiy est sayensh(iy)a sows(h)iyeylas et kowpiyowsa/ The jurisprudence of the common law of England is a science social and comprehensive … Black's law dictionary
jurisprudentia est divinarum atque humanarum rerum notitia, justi atque injusti scientia — /juraspruwdensh(iy)a est divaneram aetkwiy hyuwmsnersm riram nowtish(iy)3, jastay aetkwiy injastay sayensh(iy)a/ Jurisprudence is the knowledge of things divine and human, the science of what is right and what is wrong … Black's law dictionary
jurisprudentia legis communis anglias est scientia socialis et copiosa — /juraspruwdensh(iy)a liyjas kamyuwnas aengliyiy est sayensh(iy)a sows(h)iyeylas et kowpiyowsa/ The jurisprudence of the common law of England is a science social and comprehensive … Black's law dictionary
Jurisprudentia est divinarum atque humanarum rerum notitia; justi atque injusti scientia — Jurisprudence is the knowledge of things divine and human; it is the science of justice and injustice … Ballentine's law dictionary
Jurisprudentia legis communis Angliae est scientia, socialis et copiosa — The jurisprudence of the common law of England is a science, social and rich … Ballentine's law dictionary
Antonius Schultingh — (auch: Anton Schulting, Schultingius; * 23. Juli 1659 in Nijmegen; † 12. März 1734 in Leiden) war einer der wichtigsten Vertreter eine der niederländischen humanistischen Rechtsschule und wurde oft bezeichnet als den niederländischen Cujacius.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
JURISPRUDENCE — Le mot «jurisprudence» a subi une curieuse évolution. À Rome, il désignait la science du droit, science qui devait être empreinte de sagesse, de «prudence». Aujourd’hui, en Europe continentale, il s’applique aux règles juridiques que l’on peut… … Encyclopédie Universelle