
jūris-perītus, ī m. (чаще раздельно)
сведущий в законах, законовед, юрист C etc.

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "jurisperitus" в других словарях:

  • jurisperitus — /jurasparaytas/ Skilled or learned in the law …   Black's law dictionary

  • jurisperitus — /jurasparaytas/ Skilled or learned in the law …   Black's law dictionary

  • jurisperitus — Skilled or learned in the law …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Histoire d'Arles à l'époque médiévale tardive — Commencé en 1306 par l accueil des juifs chassés du Languedoc[1], le Moyen Âge tardif arlésien se termine par le pogrom de 1484[2] suivi de l expulsion des juifs de la cité[3], après le rattachement de la ville au royaume de France en 1483. Entre …   Wikipédia en Français

  • dómsettend — m ( es/ ) one who ordains judgment, lawyer [jurisconsultus, jurisperitus] …   Old to modern English dictionary

  • jurisperito — s. m. Pessoa versada nas ciências jurídicas, com grande conhecimento de assuntos de direito. = JURISCONSULTO, JURISPRUDENTE, JURISTA   ‣ Etimologia: latim jurisperitus, i …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • jurist — One who is versed or skilled in law; answering to the Latin jurisperitus (q.v.). A judge; a legal scholar. The term is commonly applied to those who have distinguished themselves by their writings on legal subjects or to judges …   Black's law dictionary

  • jurist — One who is versed or skilled in law; answering to the Latin jurisperitus (q.v.). A judge; a legal scholar. The term is commonly applied to those who have distinguished themselves by their writings on legal subjects or to judges …   Black's law dictionary

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