- Nunc et in saecula
"Ныне и вовеки".
Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык. Н.Т. Бабичев, Я.М. Боровской. 1982.
Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык. Н.Т. Бабичев, Я.М. Боровской. 1982.
Nunc Dimittis — One of the three Gospel canticles for the major divine offices of the Roman Catholic liturgy, known as the Canticle of Simeon (St. Luke 2: 29–32;), sung at compline in the Roman rite and at Evening prayer in the Anglican rite. In the Gregorian … Historical dictionary of sacred music
Aurea sunt vere nunc saecula, plurimus auro… — См. Сила и слава богатству послушны … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
Geld — 1. Ach, nun fällt mi all mîn klên Geld bî. (Brandenburg.) Ein Ausruf, der häufig erfolgt, wenn jemand durch irgendeinen Umstand an etwas erinnert wird, was er hätte thun sollen, aber bisher zu thun vergessen hat. 2. All wîr1 Geld, dat et Wîf nig… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
Komplet — Die Komplet (lat. completorium ‚Schlussandacht‘) ist das Nachtgebet im Stundengebet der Christenheit. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Die Komplet nach der Liturgiereform des Zweiten Vatikanums 2 Die traditionelle Komplet und Luthers Abendsegen 3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gloria Patri — Gloria Patri, also known as Glory Be to the Father’ (or, colloquially, the “Glory Be”), is a doxology, a short hymn of praise to God in various Christian liturgies. It is also referred to as the Minor Doxology (Doxologia Minor) or Lesser Doxology … Wikipedia
Magnificat — For other uses, see Magnificat (disambiguation). The Visitation in the Book of Hours of the Duc de Berry; the Magnificat in Latin The Magnificat (Latin: [My soul] magnifies) also known as the Song of Mary or the Canticle of Mary is a canticle… … Wikipedia
Lord's Prayer — For alternative meanings, see: Lord s Prayer (disambiguation), Our Father (disambiguation), and Pater Noster (disambiguation). The Sermon on the Mount by Carl Heinrich Bloch The Lord s Prayer (also called the Pater Noster[1] … Wikipedia
Celtic Rite — The term Celtic Rite is generally, but rather indefinitely, applied to the various rites used in Great Britain, Ireland, perhaps in Brittany, and sporadically in Northern Iberia, and in the monasteries which resulted from the Irish missions of St … Wikipedia
The Celtic Rite — The Celtic Rite † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Celtic Rite This subject will be treated under the following seven heads: I. History and Origin; II. Manuscript Sources; III. The Divine Office; IV. The Mass; V. the Baptismal Service; … Catholic encyclopedia
Vespers — For other uses, see Vespers (disambiguation). Benedictine monks singing Vespers on Holy Saturday Vespers is the evening prayer service in the Western Catholic, Eastern (Byzantine) Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran liturgies… … Wikipedia
Doxologie — ist ein Fachwort der Liturgie. Es bezeichnet das feierliche, oft gebetsabschließende Rühmen der Herrlichkeit Gottes (von griechisch: δόξα (doxa), „Herrlichkeit, Ehre“, im Bibelgriechisch Lehnbegriff aus hebr. כבד (kabód), lateinisches Äquivalent… … Deutsch Wikipedia