Смотреть что такое "bobtail" в других словарях:
Bobtail — Bobtail … Wikipédia en Français
Bobtail — FCI Standard Nr. 16 Gruppe 1: Hütehunde und Treibhunde (ohne Schweizer Sennen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bobtail — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bobtail País de origen … Wikipedia Español
Bobtail — may refer to:* An animal with its tail bobbed * A natural bobtail, an animal with a genetically short tail ** Japanese Bobtail, a breed of cat ** American Bobtail, a breed of cat ** A nickname for the Old English Sheepdog * A Bobtail lizard or… … Wikipedia
bobtail — [ bɔbtɛl ] n. m. • 1922; mot angl. « queue (d un cheval) coupée, tronquée » ♦ Chien de berger écossais ou anglais, de taille moyenne, au poil long et rêche, à queue coupée. Des bobtails. ● bobtail nom masculin Chien de berger de taille moyenne… … Encyclopédie Universelle
bobtail — [bäb′tāl΄] n. 1. a short tail or one cut short 2. a horse or dog with a bobtail adj. 1. having a bobtail 2. cut short; abbreviated vt. 1. to dock the tail of 2. to cut short; curtail … English World dictionary
Bobtail — Bob tail , n. [Bob + tail.] An animal (as a horse or dog) with a short tail. [1913 Webster] {Rag, tag, and bobtail}, the rabble. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bobtail — Bob tail , a. Bobtailed. Bobtail cur. Marryat. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bobtail — (izg. bȍbtēil) m DEFINICIJA kinol. engleski pas ovčar, rasa bogate, najčešće bijelo sive guste dlake ETIMOLOGIJA engl., prema načinu rezanja repa … Hrvatski jezični portal
bobtail — sustantivo masculino 1. (macho y hembra) Perro de cierta raza … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
Bobtail — Bob|tail 〈[bɔ̣btɛıl] m. 6; Zool.〉 langzottiger, grauer Hütehund [engl., eigtl. „gestutzter Schwanz“; <bob „Quaste, Gehänge“ + tail „Schwanz“] * * * Bob|tail [ bɔbteɪl ], der; s, s [engl. bobtail (dog), zu: bobtail = mit gestutztem Schwanz]:… … Universal-Lexikon