- bobsleigh
англ.см. bob
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Bobsleigh — Bob, bobelet Fédération internationale FIBT Sport olympique depuis Depuis 1924 … Wikipédia en Français
Bobsleigh — Bobsleigh, bobsled or bobsledge is a winter sport invented by Englishmen in the late 1860s in which teams make timed runs down narrow, twisting, banked, iced tracks in a gravity powered sled. The various types of sleds came several years before… … Wikipedia
bobsleigh — [ bɔbslɛg ] n. m. • 1889; mot angl., de to bob « se balancer » et sleigh « traîneau » ♦ Traîneau articulé à plusieurs places muni d un volant de direction, pour glisser à grande vitesse sur des pistes de neige aménagées. Course de bobsleighs.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Bobsleigh — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El bobsleigh o bobsled (del inglés: sleigh/sled: trineo y bob: beto o sea betotrineo) es un deporte olímpico de invierno que junto al luge y al skeleton representan distintas modalidades de descenso en trineo … Wikipedia Español
bobsleigh — bóbsleigh (angl.) [eigh pron. ei] s. n., art. bóbsleigh ul; (sănii) pl. bóbsleigh uri Trimis de Laura ana, 14.03.2008. Sursa: DOOM 2 … Dicționar Român
bobsleigh — (N. Amer. bobsled) ► NOUN ▪ a mechanically steered and braked sledge used for racing down an ice covered run. DERIVATIVES bobsleighing noun … English terms dictionary
Bobsleigh — (Voz inglesa.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 DEPORTES Deporte de invierno que consiste en deslizarse con un trineo sobre una pista de hielo. IRREG. plural bobsleighs 2 DEPORTES Trineo con que se practica este deporte. * * * Deporte olímpico de… … Enciclopedia Universal
Bobsleigh — Bọb|sleigh 〈[ slɛı] m. 6; Sp.〉 lenkbarer Rennschlitten für zwei bis sechs Personen [<engl. bob „sich ruckweise bewegen“ + sleigh „Schlitten“] * * * Bob|sleigh [ bɔbsleɪ ], der; s, s [engl. bobsleigh, zu: to bob = ruckartig bewegen u. sleigh … Universal-Lexikon
bobsleigh — UK [ˈbɒbˌsleɪ] / US [ˈbɑbˌsleɪ] noun [countable] Word forms bobsleigh : singular bobsleigh plural bobsleighs British a small vehicle for two or more people designed for sliding over snow and ice and used in races down a track called a bobsleigh… … English dictionary
bobsleigh — n. to ride a bobsleigh; to race on bobsleighs * * * to race on bobsleighs to ride a bobsleigh … Combinatory dictionary
bobsleigh — bob|sleigh [ˈbɔbsleı US ˈba:b ] n also bob|sled [ˈbɔbsled US ˈba:b ] 1.) a small vehicle with two long thin metal blades instead of wheels, that is used for racing down a special ice track 2.) [U] a sports event in which people race against each… … Dictionary of contemporary English