- entitative
- [ʹentıtətıv] a филос.
1. 1) имеющий реальное бытие; объективно существующий2) относящийся к бытию, к существованию2. абстрагированный от всех связей и отношений
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Entitative — En ti*ta*tive, a. [See {Entity}.] Considered as pure entity; abstracted from all circumstances. Ellis. {En ti*ta*tive*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Entitative graph — An entitative graph is an element of the graphical syntax for logic that Charles Sanders Peirce developed under the name of qualitative logic beginning in the 1880 s, taking the coverage of the formalism only as far as the propositional or… … Wikipedia
entitative — adjective Considered as pure entity; abstracted from all circumstances, that is, regarded as entity alone, apart from attendant circumstances. See Also: entitativity … Wiktionary
entitative — en·ti·ta·tive … English syllables
entitative — a. regarded as entity alone, apart from attendant circumstances … Dictionary of difficult words
entitative — … Useful english dictionary
Entitatively — Entitative En ti*ta*tive, a. [See {Entity}.] Considered as pure entity; abstracted from all circumstances. Ellis. {En ti*ta*tive*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
entity — entitative /en ti tay tiv/, adj. entitatively, adv. /en ti tee/, n., pl. entities. 1. something that has a real existence; thing: corporeal entities. 2. being or existence, esp. when considered as distinct, independent, or self contained: He… … Universalium
Diagrammatic reasoning — is reasoning by means of visual representations. The study of diagrammatic reasoning is about the understanding of concepts and ideas, visualized with the use of diagrams and imagery instead of by linguistic or algebraic means. Contents 1 Related … Wikipedia
Nature and Attributes of God — The Nature and Attributes of God † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Nature and Attributes of God I. As Known Through Natural Reason A. Infinity of God B. Unity or Unicity of God C. Simplicity of God D. Divine Personality… … Catholic encyclopedia
Entity — An entity is something that has a distinct, separate existence, though it need not be a material existence. In particular, abstractions and legal fictions are usually regarded as entities. In general, there is also no presumption that an entity… … Wikipedia