
[ınʹtaı(ə)rətı] n
1. полнота, цельность

in its entirety - во всей полноте, полностью

taken in its entirety - взятый в целом /как единое целое/

2. общая сумма
3. юр. совместное владение неразделённым недвижимым имуществом

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "entirety" в других словарях:

  • entirety — en·tire·ty n pl ties 1: the state of being entire or complete in its entirety 2: an undivided whole; specif: an interest in real property that cannot be divided compare moiety by the entirety also …   Law dictionary

  • entirety — ► NOUN (the entirety) ▪ the whole. ● in its entirety Cf. ↑in its entirety …   English terms dictionary

  • entirety — UK US /ɪnˈtaɪərəti/ noun [S] ● in its entirety Cf. in its entirety …   Financial and business terms

  • entirety — also entierty, mid 14c., enterete, from Anglo Fr. entiertie, O.Fr. entiereté totality, entirety; integrity, purity, from L. integritatem (nom. integritas) completeness, soundness, integrity, from integer (see INTEGER (Cf. integer)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • entirety — [en tīr′tē, intīr′tē] n. pl. entireties [ME enterete < OFr entiereté] 1. the state or fact of being entire; wholeness; completeness 2. an entire thing; whole; total 3. Law undivided or sole possession in its entirety as a whole; completely …   English World dictionary

  • Entirety — En*tire ty, n.; pl. {Entireness}. [OF. entieret[ e]. Cf. {Integrity}.] 1. The state of being entire; completeness; as, entirely of interest. Blackstone. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is entire; the whole. Bacon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • entirety — [n] wholeness, whole absoluteness, aggregate, all, allness, collectiveness, collectivity, completeness, complex, comprehensiveness, ensemble, entireness, everything, fullness, gross, intactness, integrality, integrity, omneity, omnitude, oneness …   New thesaurus

  • entirety — The whole, in contradistinction to a moiety or part only. When land is conveyed to husband and wife, they do not take by moieties, but both are seised of the entirety. Parceners, on the other hand, have not an entirety of interest, but each is… …   Black's law dictionary

  • entirety — The whole, in contradistinction to a moiety or part only. When land is conveyed to husband and wife, they do not take by moieties, but both are seised of the entirety. Parceners, on the other hand, have not an entirety of interest, but each is… …   Black's law dictionary

  • entirety — en|tir|e|ty [ınˈtaıərıti US ˈtaır ] n formal 1.) in its/their entirety including every part ▪ The film has been shown in its entirety for the first time. 2.) the entirety of sth formal the whole of something ▪ We stayed in the hotel throughout… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • entirety — en|tire|ty [ ın taırəti ] noun uncount the whole of something: They were forced to stay in the hotel for the entirety of their stay. a. in its/their entirety with all or everything included: The movie should be shown in its entirety or not at all …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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