unskilful — (also chiefly US unskillful) ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not having or showing skill. DERIVATIVES unskilfully adverb … English terms dictionary
unskilful — adjective Alternate spelling of unskillful … Wiktionary
unskilful — adj. inexpert, not skilled, awkward, incompetent … English contemporary dictionary
unskilful — (also chiefly US unskillful) adjective not having or showing skill. Derivatives unskilfully adverb unskilfulness noun … English new terms dictionary
unskilful — a. Awkward, bungling, unhandy, clumsy, maladroit, unskilled, inapt, inexpert, without dexterity … New dictionary of synonyms
unskilful — /ʌnˈskɪlfəl/ (say un skilfuhl) adjective not skilful; inexpert; awkward; bungling. Also, US, unskillful. –unskilfully, adverb –unskilfulness, noun …
unskilful — adj. (US unskillful) not skilful. Derivatives: unskilfully adv. unskilfulness n … Useful english dictionary
unskilfully — unskilful (also chiefly US unskillful) ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not having or showing skill. DERIVATIVES unskilfully adverb … English terms dictionary
Friends of the Western Buddhist Order — The Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (FWBO) is an association of Buddhists, and others who follow its path of mindfulness, under the leadership of the Western Buddhist Order. It was founded in the UK in 1967, and describes itself as an… … Wikipedia
Cooper v Wakley — Court Westminster Assizes Citation(s) (1828) 172 ER 507, (1828) 3 Carrington and Payne 474 Judge(s) sitting Lord Tentenden CJ Keywords Libel, medical negligence Cooper v Wakley (1828) 172 ER 507 is an … Wikipedia
thrum — I. /θrʌm / (say thrum) verb (thrummed, thrumming) –verb (i) 1. to play on a stringed instrument, as a guitar, by plucking the strings, especially in an idle, monotonous, or unskilful manner. 2. to sound when thrummed on, as a guitar, etc. 3. to… …