unskilled — un‧skilled [ˌʌnˈskɪld◂] adjective HUMAN RESOURCES 1. an unskilled worker has not been trained for any job that needs special skills: • Half the plant s unskilled workers risk losing their jobs. • Unskilled labour costs four times as much in… … Financial and business terms
unskilled — [unskild′] adj. not skilled; specif., a) having no special skill or training b) requiring or using no special skill or training [unskilled labor] c) showing a lack of skill … English World dictionary
unskilled — index amateur, incompetent, inexperienced, unaccustomed, unversed Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
unskilled — 1580s, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of SKILL (Cf. skill) … Etymology dictionary
unskilled — [adj] untrained awkward, green*, inadequate, incompetent, inept, inexperienced, inexpert, inproficient, not up to*, raw*, unable, undeveloped, uneducated, unequipped, unhandy, unqualified, unschooled, untalented; concept 527 … New thesaurus
unskilled — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not having or requiring special skill or training … English terms dictionary
unskilled — [[t]ʌ̱nskɪ̱ld[/t]] 1) ADJ People who are unskilled do not have any special training for a job. He went to Paris in search of work as an unskilled labourer... Most of those who left the province to work abroad were unskilled. 2) ADJ: usu ADJ n… … English dictionary
unskilled — /un skild /, adj. 1. of or pertaining to workers who lack technical training or skill. 2. not demanding special training or skill: unskilled occupations. 3. exhibiting a marked lack of skill or competence: an unskilled painting; an unskilled… … Universalium
unskilled — adjective Date: 1559 1. not skilled in a branch of work ; lacking technical training < an unskilled worker > 2. not requiring skill < unskilled jobs > 3. marked by lack of skill < produced unskilled poems > … New Collegiate Dictionary
unskilled — un|skilled [ˌʌnˈskıld] adj 1.) an unskilled worker has not been trained for a particular type of job ▪ companies employing unskilled labour (=people who have no special training) 2.) unskilled work, jobs etc do not need people with special skills … Dictionary of contemporary English
unskilled — un|skilled [ ,ʌn skıld ] adjective working at a job that does not need much education, training, or experience: unskilled workers a. used about jobs that unskilled people do: unskilled labor b. unable to do a job that needs skill … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English