turn down

turn down

1) отвергать (предложение) ;
отказывать (кому-л.) to turn down the offerотклонить предложение Syn : reject, disallow, decline, refuse, repudiate, spurn, vote down, throw out
2) убавить, уменьшить (свет, газ и т. п.) to turn down the volume on the radioубавить громкость радио
3) загнуть;
отвернуть to turn down a collar ≈ отогнуть воротник
4) загибаться вниз
5) сворачивать (за угол и т. п.)
6) поворачивать (карту) лицом вниз
7) разбирать, готовить to turn down the bed ≈ разбирать постель убавлять, уменьшать (свет, газ и т. п.) - to * the volume (on the radio) убавить громкость (радио) - to * the ligths for the night уменьшить освещение на ночь отворачивать - to * one's coat collar отвернуть воротник пальто - the corner of the page has been turned down уголок страницы был загнут отворачиваться, откладываться;
складываться загибаться вниз - the corners of his mouth began to * уголки его рта /губ/ опустились сворачивать (за угол и т. п.) - to * a narrow road сворачивать на узкую дорожку поворачивать (карту) лицом вниз (специальное) кантовать разбирать, готовить - to * the bed готовить постель на ночь, разбирать постель отвергать, отклонять - I could not afford to * the offer я не мог позволить себе отклонить это предложение отказывать (кому-л.) - she turned me down flat она категорически мне отказала - to * the thumb(s) on smth. быть против чего-л.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "turn down" в других словарях:

  • turn-down — turnˈ down adjective Folded down noun 1. A turn down part 2. A turn down collar 3. A turning down, rejection • • • Main Entry: ↑turn …   Useful english dictionary

  • turn|down — «TURN DOWN», adjective, noun. –adj. that is or can be turned down; folded or doubled down: »a turndown collar. –n. 1. the action of turning down; rejection: »turndowns on loan applications (Wall Street Journal). 2. a decline; downturn: »Finance… …   Useful english dictionary

  • turn down — (someone/something) to refuse to accept or agree to something, or to someone s idea. The bank turned down their request for a loan. Go ahead and ask her out, if you re prepared for her to turn you down …   New idioms dictionary

  • turn down — ► turn down 1) reject an offer or application of or from. 2) adjust a control on (a device) to reduce the volume, heat, etc. Main Entry: ↑turn …   English terms dictionary

  • turn down — index decline (reject), disapprove (reject), disoblige, refuse, spurn Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • turn down — [v] reject decline, disapprove, dismiss, rebuff, refuse, reprobate, repudiate, say no, scorn, spurn, throw out; concepts 18,54 Ant. accept, ok, take …   New thesaurus

  • turn down — verb 1. refuse to accept (Freq. 5) He refused my offer of hospitality • Syn: ↑refuse, ↑reject, ↑pass up, ↑decline • Ant: ↑accept ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • turn down — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms turn down : present tense I/you/we/they turn down he/she/it turns down present participle turning down past tense turned down past participle turned down 1) to not accept an offer or request How could you turn …   English dictionary

  • turn down — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you turn down a person or their request or offer, you refuse their request or offer. [V n P] Before this I d have smiled and turned her down... [V n P] I thanked him for the offer but turned it down... [V P n (not pron)] Would… …   English dictionary

  • turn down — {v.} 1. To reduce the loudness, brightness, or force of. * /The theater lights were turned down./ * /Turn down that radio, will you?/ * /The hose was throwing too much water so I turned down the water a little bit./ 2. To refuse to accept; reject …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • turn down — {v.} 1. To reduce the loudness, brightness, or force of. * /The theater lights were turned down./ * /Turn down that radio, will you?/ * /The hose was throwing too much water so I turned down the water a little bit./ 2. To refuse to accept; reject …   Dictionary of American idioms

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