step out

step out

1) выходить (особ. ненадолго) He's not in the office, he's just stepped out for a breath of fresh air. ≈ Его сейчас нет в офисе, он вышел подышать свежим воздухом.
2) шагать большими шагами;
прибавлять шагу She steps out so actively that I have difficulty keeping up with her. ≈ Она так быстро идет, что я с трудом за ней поспеваю.
3) мерить шагами Step out ten feet and then put a marker in the ground. ≈ Пройдите 10 футов, а затем поставьте отметину на земле.
4) амер. разг. развлечься She's really stepping out these days, isn't she? ≈ Она сейчас отдыхает, не правда ли?
5) разг. быть неверным (on) No one told him that she had been stepping out on him for over a year. ≈ Никто не сказал, что она больше года изменяла ему. отмечать или отмеривать длину шагами вышагивать, идти большими шагами быстро шагать - we shall be late for the train if we don't * мы опоздаем на поезд, если не прибавим шагу выйти, ненадолго отлучиться из дому - to * for a smoke выйти покурить - I must * to post a letter мне нужно сбегать опустить письмо (from) выйти за пределы - to * from striking distance выходить из боевой дистанции (фехтование) (американизм) (разговорное) уйти из жизни, умереть (американизм) выезжать, бывать в обществе (on) (американизм) изменять (мужу, жене) - he was stepping out on me он мне изменял

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "step out" в других словарях:

  • step out — ► step out 1) leave a room or building briefly. 2) N. Amer. informal have a romantic or sexual relationship. 3) walk with long or vigorous steps. Main Entry: ↑step …   English terms dictionary

  • step out — verb go outside a room or building for a short period of time (Freq. 6) • Hypernyms: ↑exit, ↑go out, ↑get out, ↑leave • Verb Frames: Somebody s * * * intransitive verb …   Useful english dictionary

  • step out — v. 1)(D; intr.) to step out into (to step out into the corridor) 2) (D; intr.) to step out on ( to betray ) (he was stepping out on his wife) * * * [ step aʊt] (D; intr.) to step out on (he was step outping out on his wife; to betray ) (D;intr.)… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • step out — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms step out : present tense I/you/we/they step out he/she/it steps out present participle stepping out past tense stepped out past participle stepped out mainly American to leave a place for a short time I m… …   English dictionary

  • step out on —    to deceive (a regular sexual partner) by having a sexual relationship with another    Of either sex:     Do you think Haveabud and your mother had a sexual relationship? Do you think I ever stepped out on her? (A. Beattie, 1989)    To step out …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • step-out — /ˈstɛp aʊt/ (say step owt) noun 1. (in geophysical exploration) the effect which the horizontal distance between the shot point and the seismometer has on the time taken for the reflection of seismic waves. 2. Also, step out well. an oil well… …  

  • step out — Synonyms and related words: carouse, cast off, celebrate, cut loose, debauch, doff, douse, drop, hell around, jollify, jolly, lark, let go, let loose, let off steam, make merry, make whoopee, put off, raise hell, remove, revel, roister, see life …   Moby Thesaurus

  • step out of — phr verb Step out of is used with these nouns as the object: ↑carriage, ↑room, ↑shadow …   Collocations dictionary

  • step-out — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: step out : a well drilled outside but near a proved oil field …   Useful english dictionary

  • step out of line — To depart from the usual, or accepted, course of action • • • Main Entry: ↑step * * * step out of line informal phrase to break the rules, or to do something wrong If you step out of line, you will be punished. Thesaurus: to fail to obey a rule,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • step out of something — step out of/from/something phrase if someone seems to have stepped out of a book, film etc, they seem to be very much like a character from it characters that might have stepped straight out of Dickens Thesaurus: to be similar to, or the same as …   Useful english dictionary

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