step on pedal
Смотреть что такое "step on pedal" в других словарях:
step on it — or[step on the gas] {v. phr.} 1. To push down on the gas pedal to make a car go faster. * /Be very careful when you step on the gas. Don t go too fast./ Compare: GIVE IT THE GUN. 2. {informal} To go faster; hurry. * /Step on it, or we ll be late… … Dictionary of American idioms
step on it — or[step on the gas] {v. phr.} 1. To push down on the gas pedal to make a car go faster. * /Be very careful when you step on the gas. Don t go too fast./ Compare: GIVE IT THE GUN. 2. {informal} To go faster; hurry. * /Step on it, or we ll be late… … Dictionary of American idioms
step\ on\ it — • step on it • step on the gas v. phr. 1. To push down on the gas pedal to make a car go faster. Be very careful when you step on the gas. Don t go too fast. Compare: give it the gun 2. informal To go faster; hurry. Step on it, or we ll be late… … Словарь американских идиом
step\ on\ the\ gas — • step on it • step on the gas v. phr. 1. To push down on the gas pedal to make a car go faster. Be very careful when you step on the gas. Don t go too fast. Compare: give it the gun 2. informal To go faster; hurry. Step on it, or we ll be late… … Словарь американских идиом
step-on — /step on , awn /, adj. made to open by the operation of a pedal, as a can for kitchen garbage. [adj. use of v. phrase step on] * * * … Universalium
step on the gas — 1. (ie gasoline) (informal) to press the accelerator pedal of a motor car 2. To speed up, hurry • • • Main Entry: ↑gas * * * informal press on the accelerator to make a car go faster … Useful english dictionary
pedal — A lever operated by the foot. See accelerator accelerator pedal brake pedal clipless pedal clutch pedal dead pedal depress the gas pedal depress the throttle pedal ease up on the throttle pedal … Dictionary of automotive terms
pedal — n. 1) to depress, step on a pedal 2) a brake; clutch; gas (AE) pedal * * * [ pedl] clutch gas (AE) pedal step on a pedal a brake to depress … Combinatory dictionary
pedal — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ accelerator, brake, clutch, gas (esp. AmE) ▪ foot ▪ To stop the machine push the foot pedal. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
step-on — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: from step on, v. : opened by means of a pedal 14 quart step on can in chrome plated steel advt * * * /step on , awn /, adj. made to open by the operation of a pedal, as a can for kitchen garbage. [adj. use of v.… … Useful english dictionary
step — {{11}}step (n.) O.E. steppa (Mercian), stæpe, stepe (W.Saxon) stair, act of stepping, from the source of STEP (Cf. step) (v.). Meaning action which leads toward a result is recorded from 1540s. Warning phrase watch your step is attested from 1934 … Etymology dictionary