- sniffler
- сопящий
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
sniffler — noun see sniffle I … New Collegiate Dictionary
sniffler — See sniffle. * * * … Universalium
sniffler — noun a person who sniffles … Wiktionary
sniffler — n. snuffler, one who sniffs repeatedly in order to clear fluids from the nose … English contemporary dictionary
sniffler — snif·fler … English syllables
sniffler — noun a person who breathes audibly through a congested nose • Syn: ↑sniveler • Hypernyms: ↑person, ↑individual, ↑someone, ↑somebody, ↑mortal, ↑soul … Useful english dictionary
sniffle — sniffler, n. /snif euhl/, v., sniffled, sniffling, n. v.i. 1. to sniff repeatedly, as from a head cold or in repressing tears: She sniffled woefully. n. 2. an act or sound of sniffling. 3. sniffles, a condition, as a cold, marked by sniffling… … Universalium
sniffle — I. intransitive verb (sniffled; sniffling) Etymology: frequentative of sniff Date: 1632 1. to sniff repeatedly ; snuffle 2. to speak with or as if with sniffling • sniffler noun II … New Collegiate Dictionary
The Nibblers — were fictional characters who had their own comic strip in the UK comic The Beano . The Nibblers were a community of mice who lived in a hole in the wall, and were always stealing food from Porky, the fat owner of the house. Porky and his cat… … Wikipedia
Digedag-Universum — Die Digedags waren von 1955 bis 1975 die Haupthelden der in der DDR erschienenen Comiczeitschrift MOSAIK. Die drei Protagonisten Dig, Dag und Digedag erlebten in mehreren großen Serien Abenteuer in Raum und Zeit. Der Schöpfer dieser Comic Reihe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Digedags — Die Digedags waren von 1955 bis 1975 die Haupthelden der in der DDR erschienenen Comiczeitschrift MOSAIK. Die drei Protagonisten Dig, Dag und Digedag erlebten in mehreren großen Serien Abenteuer in Raum und Zeit. Der Schöpfer dieser Comic Reihe… … Deutsch Wikipedia