
сопеть сопение сопящий см. также sniffle

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sniffling" в других словарях:

  • sniffling — snif·fle || snɪfl n. snuffle, act of inhaling through the nose with an audible snuffling sound v. make a snuffling sound through the nose, sniff repeatedly in order to clear fluids from the nose …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sniffling — …   Useful english dictionary

  • sniffle — /ˈsnɪfəl / (say snifuhl) verb (i) (sniffled, sniffling) 1. to sniff repeatedly, as from a cold in the head or in repressing tearful emotion. –noun 2. an act or sound of sniffling. 3. the sniffles, a cold, or other condition marked by sniffling.… …  

  • sniffle — I. intransitive verb (sniffled; sniffling) Etymology: frequentative of sniff Date: 1632 1. to sniff repeatedly ; snuffle 2. to speak with or as if with sniffling • sniffler noun II …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sniffle — sniffler, n. /snif euhl/, v., sniffled, sniffling, n. v.i. 1. to sniff repeatedly, as from a head cold or in repressing tears: She sniffled woefully. n. 2. an act or sound of sniffling. 3. sniffles, a condition, as a cold, marked by sniffling… …   Universalium

  • sniffle — [snif′əl] vi. sniffled, sniffling to sniff repeatedly, as in checking mucus running from the nose n. an act or sound of sniffling the sniffles Informal 1. a head cold 2. the sniffling that accompanies a crying spell sniffler n …   English World dictionary

  • snivel — sniveler; esp. Brit., sniveller, n. /sniv euhl/, v., sniveled, sniveling or (esp. Brit.) snivelled, snivelling, n. v.i. 1. to weep or cry with sniffling. 2. to affect a tearful state; whine. 3. to run at the nose; have a runny nose: She sniveled… …   Universalium

  • sniffle — 1 verb (I) to sniff repeatedly to stop liquid from running out of your nose, especially when you are crying or you have a cold: For goodness sake, stop sniffling! 2 noun an act or sound of sniffling: have the sniffles (=keep sniffing) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • sniffle — snif•fle [[t]ˈsnɪf əl[/t]] v. fled, fling, n. 1) phl to sniff repeatedly, as from a head cold or in repressing tears 2) phl an act or sound of sniffling 3) pat the sniffles, a condition, as a cold, marked by sniffling • Etymology: 1625–35… …   From formal English to slang

  • snivel — sniv•el [[t]ˈsnɪv əl[/t]] v. eled, el•ing or (esp. brit.) elled, el•ling, 1) to weep or cry with sniffling 2) to affect a tearful state; whine 3) pat to run at the nose; have a runny nose 4) phl to draw up mucus audibly through the nose 5) to… …   From formal English to slang

  • sniffle — v. & n. v.intr. sniff slightly or repeatedly. n. 1 the act of sniffling. 2 (in sing. or pl.) a cold in the head causing a running nose and sniffling. Derivatives: sniffler n. sniffly adj. Etymology: imit.: cf. SNIVEL …   Useful english dictionary

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