Смотреть что такое "sniffle" в других словарях:
Sniffle — Snif fle, v. i. [Freq. of sniff. See {Snivel}.] To snuffle, as one does with a catarrh. [Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sniffle — (v.) 1819, frequentative form of SNIFF (Cf. sniff). Related: Sniffled; sniffling. The sniffles runny nose, head cold is recorded from 1825 … Etymology dictionary
sniffle — ► VERB ▪ sniff slightly or repeatedly, typically because of a cold or fit of crying. ► NOUN 1) an act of sniffling. 2) a slight head cold. DERIVATIVES sniffly adjective. ORIGIN imitative … English terms dictionary
sniffle — [snif′əl] vi. sniffled, sniffling to sniff repeatedly, as in checking mucus running from the nose n. an act or sound of sniffling the sniffles Informal 1. a head cold 2. the sniffling that accompanies a crying spell sniffler n … English World dictionary
sniffle — I UK [ˈsnɪf(ə)l] / US verb [intransitive] Word forms sniffle : present tense I/you/we/they sniffle he/she/it sniffles present participle sniffling past tense sniffled past participle sniffled to keep breathing in noisily through your nose, for… … English dictionary
sniffle — [[t]snɪ̱f(ə)l[/t]] sniffles, sniffling, sniffled 1) VERB If you sniffle, you keep sniffing, usually because you are crying or have a cold. Please don t yell at me. She began to sniffle. Syn: snuffle 2) N COUNT: also the N in pl A sniffle is a… … English dictionary
sniffle — 1. verb To make a whimpering or sniffing sound when breathing because of a runny nose. Sonia sniffled a little, and her eyes were puffy and wet. 2. noun The act, or the sound of sniffling; the condition of having a runny or … Wiktionary
sniffle — snif|fle1 [ˈsnıfəl] v [i]spoken [Date: 1600 1700; Origin: sniff] to keep sniffing in order to stop liquid from running out of your nose, especially when you are crying or you have a cold ▪ For goodness sake, stop sniffling! sniffle 2 sniffle2 n… … Dictionary of contemporary English
sniffle — snif|fle1 [ snıfl ] verb intransitive to keep breathing in noisily through your nose, for example because you are crying or you have a cold sniffle snif|fle 2 [ snıfl ] noun count often plural a slight cold … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sniffle — I. intransitive verb (sniffled; sniffling) Etymology: frequentative of sniff Date: 1632 1. to sniff repeatedly ; snuffle 2. to speak with or as if with sniffling • sniffler noun II … New Collegiate Dictionary
sniffle — sniffler, n. /snif euhl/, v., sniffled, sniffling, n. v.i. 1. to sniff repeatedly, as from a head cold or in repressing tears: She sniffled woefully. n. 2. an act or sound of sniffling. 3. sniffles, a condition, as a cold, marked by sniffling… … Universalium