
ˈpʌnɪʃ гл.
1) наказывать;
налагать взыскание to punish cruellyжестоко покарать to punish harshly, severelyстрого наказать to punish lightly, mildlyналагать нестрогое взыскание You can't punish me for something I didn't do. ≈ Ты не можешь наказать меня за то, чего я не делал. Syn : discipline
2) а) разг. грубо обращаться He really punishs the car. ≈ Он просто насилует свою тачку. б) разг. причинять повреждения, причинять боль Syn : hurt
3) шутл. много есть, навалиться на еду наказывать, карать;
налагать взыскание - to * theft карать за воровство - the boy is *ed for the disobedience мальчик наказан за непослушание - murder is *ed by death убийство карается смертной казнью (разговорное) грубо обращаться - to * a horse загнать лошадь - he really *s the car он совершенно не щадит /не жалеет/ машину (разговорное) причинять повреждения - the ships were considerably *ed by the batteries батареи причинили кораблям значительные повреждения - to * the engine "запороть" движок (военное) обстреливать, бомбить избить, исколошматить - the blows of his opponent *ed him severily удары противника сильно его измотали много есть;
набрасываться (на еду, питье) - to * a bottle of port прикончить /уговорить/ бутылочку портвейна - the boy *ed the roly-poly pudding мальчик набросился на пудинг с вареньем punish грубо обращаться (с кем-л.) ~ разг. задать перцу ~ шутл. много есть, навалиться на еду ~ наказывать;
налагать взыскание ~ наказывать, карать, налагать взыскание ~ наказывать ~ налагать наказание ~ наносить потери ~ причинять повреждения;
наносить удары ~ причинять повреждения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "punish" в других словарях:

  • punish — [pun′ish] vt. [ME punischen < extended stem of OFr punir < L punire, to punish < poena, punishment, penalty: see PENAL] 1. to cause to undergo pain, loss, or suffering for a crime or wrongdoing 2. to impose a penalty on a wrongdoer for… …   English World dictionary

  • Punish — Pun ish, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Punished}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Punishing}.] [OE. punischen, F. punir, from L. punire, punitum, akin to poena punishment, penalty. See {Pain}, and { ish}.] 1. To impose a penalty upon; to afflict with pain, loss, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • punish — pun·ish / pə nish/ vt 1: to impose a penalty on for a fault, offense, or violation 2: to inflict a penalty for the commission of (an offense) in retribution or retaliation or as a deterrent vi: to inflict punishment pun·ish·abil·i·ty /ˌpə ni shə… …   Law dictionary

  • punish — punish, chastise, castigate, chasten, discipline, correct mean to inflict pain, loss, or suffering upon a person for his sin, crime, or fault. Punish implies imposing a penalty for violation of law, disobedience of authority, or intentional… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • punish — mid 14c., from O.Fr. puniss , extended prp. stem of punir to punish, from L. punire inflict a penalty on, cause pain for some offense, earlier poenire, from poena penalty, punishment (see PENAL (Cf. penal)). Colloquial meaning to inflict heavy… …   Etymology dictionary

  • punish — [v] penalize for wrongdoing abuse, attend to, batter, beat, beat up, blacklist, castigate, chasten, chastise, correct, crack down on*, cuff, debar, defrock, discipline, dismiss, do in, execute, exile, expel, fine, flog, give a going over*, give… …   New thesaurus

  • punish — ► VERB 1) impose a penalty on (someone) for an offence. 2) impose a penalty on someone for (an offence). 3) treat harshly or unfairly. DERIVATIVES punishable adjective. ORIGIN Latin punire, from poena penalty …   English terms dictionary

  • punish — pun|ish [ˈpʌnıʃ] v [T] [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: punir, from Latin punire, from poena; PAIN1] 1.) to make someone suffer because they have done something wrong or broken the law →↑punishment, punitive ↑punitive ▪ Smacking is not an… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • punish — [[t]pʌ̱nɪʃ[/t]] punishes, punishing, punished 1) VERB To punish someone means to make them suffer in some way because they have done something wrong. [V n] I don t believe that George ever had to punish the children... [V n] According to present… …   English dictionary

  • punish — punisher, n. /pun ish/, v.t. 1. to subject to pain, loss, confinement, death, etc., as a penalty for some offense, transgression, or fault: to punish a criminal. 2. to inflict a penalty for (an offense, fault, etc.): to punish theft. 3. to handle …   Universalium

  • punish */*/ — UK [ˈpʌnɪʃ] / US verb [transitive, often passive] Word forms punish : present tense I/you/we/they punish he/she/it punishes present participle punishing past tense punished past participle punished to make someone suffer because they have done… …   English dictionary

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