
ˈpʌblɪʃ гл.
1) а) придавать огласке, публиковать;
выпускать, издавать, оглашать Syn : declare, announce, propagate, disseminate б) юр. обнародовать (приговор, закон, декрет и т.д.)
2) а) издавать, опубликовывать Lane seemed to publish almost all the exciting new authors. (Squire) ≈ По всей видимости, Лейн опубликовал (произведения) почти всех хороших новых авторов. б) печатать свои произведения, печататься (об авторе)
3) амер. пускать в обращение публиковать, оглашать, обнародовать - to * an edict огласить указ официально объявлять - to * the banns of marriage оглашать в церкви имена вступающих в брак (юридическое) распространять, делать достоянием гласности (порочащие, клеветнические утверждения) издавать, опубликовывать - to * a book издать книгу выпускать, выходить (о газете, журнале) - they * on Friday журнал выходит по пятницам печатать свои произведения;
печататься - *ing scholar печатающийся ученый (американизм) пускать в обращение - to * counterfeit paper пускать в обращение фальшивые банкноты publish издавать, опубликовывать ~ издавать, опубликовывавть ~ издавать ~ обнародовать ~ официально объявлять ~ печатать свои произведения, печататься (об авторе) ~ публиковать, оглашать ~ публиковать;
оглашать ~ публиковать ~ (амер.) пускать в обращение ~ пускать в обращение ~ амер. пускать в обращение ~ for opposition purposes пат. публиковать для опротестования ~ for opposition purposes пат. публиковать для подачи возражения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "publish" в других словарях:

  • publish — pub·lish vt 1: to make known to another or to the public generally ◇ For purposes of defamation, a defamatory communication made to only one third party may be considered published. 2 a: to proclaim officially publish an enactment b: to declare… …   Law dictionary

  • publish — pub‧lish [ˈpʌblɪʆ] verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to arrange the writing, production, and sale of a book, magazine etc: • Her second novel was published in July. • We publish education books. 2. [transitive] to make official information such… …   Financial and business terms

  • Publish — Pub lish, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Published}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Publishing}.] [F. publier, L. publicare, publicatum. See {Public}, and { ish}.] 1. To make public; to make known to mankind, or to people in general; to divulge, as a private… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • publish — (v.) early 14c., to make public, from M.E. publicen (c.1300), altered (by influence of banish, finish, etc.) from O.Fr. publier, from L. publicare make public, from publicus public (see PUBLIC (Cf. public)). The meaning to issue (a book,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • publish — *declare, announce, advertise, proclaim, promulgate, broadcast Analogous words: divulge, disclose, *reveal, discover: *communicate, impart: vent, ventilate, utter, broach, *express …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • publish — [v] have printed, issue announce, bring out, broadcast, circulate, communicate, declare, disclose, distribute, divulge, let it be known*, print, proclaim, produce, promulgate, publicize, put in print, put out, report, spotlight; concepts… …   New thesaurus

  • publish — ► VERB 1) prepare and issue (a book, newspaper, piece of music, etc.) for public sale. 2) print in a book, newspaper, or journal so as to make generally known. 3) announce formally. 4) Law communicate (a libel) to a third party. DERIVATIVES… …   English terms dictionary

  • publish — [pub′lish] vt. [ME publisshen < extended stem of OFr publier < L publicare, to make public < publicus, PUBLIC] 1. to make publicly known; announce, proclaim, divulge, or promulgate 2. a) to issue (a printed work, etc.) to the public, as… …   English World dictionary

  • publish — Announce An*nounce , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Announced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Announcing}.] [OF. anoncier, F. annoncer, fr. L. annuntiare; ad + nuntiare to report, relate, nuntius messenger, bearer of news. See {Nuncio}, and cf. {Annunciate}.] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • publish — [[t]pʌ̱blɪʃ[/t]] ♦♦ publishes, publishing, published 1) VERB When a company publishes a book or magazine, it prints copies of it, which are sent to shops to be sold. [V n] They publish reference books... [V n] His latest book of poetry will be… …   English dictionary

  • publish — verb ADVERB ▪ recently ▪ originally, previously ▪ extensively (esp. AmE), widely ▪ He has published extensively on medieval education …   Collocations dictionary

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