polish off

polish off

1) отполировать
2) разг. покончить, быстро справиться (с чем-л.) ;
допить, доесть I've a pile of letters to polish off before I can go home. ≈ Мне нужно разобрать до конца работы тонну писем. They could polish off a barrel of beer in half an hour. ≈ Они в два счета раздавят за полчаса полный бочонок пива.
3) сл. убить, расправиться;
избавиться (от кого-л.) Syn : bump off, do away with, do for
3) , do in
1) , finish off
4) , knock off
8) , make away with
1) , rub out
4) разг. победить (соперника) You have to polish off three experienced players before you can win the prize. ≈ Чтобы выиграть приз, тебе надо разбить трех опытных игроков. (разговорное) покончить;
быстро расправиться, разделаться (с чем-л.) - we polished off the pie and the fruit мы быстро расправились с пирогом и фруктами убить, расправиться;
избавиться (от кого-л.) - he was polished off by the cold damp winter его добила /убила/ холодная сырая зима

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "polish off" в других словарях:

  • polish off — (something) to finish something quickly and easily. He polished off two burgers and a mountain of French fries. He was nearly finished with the report, and said he could polish it off in another hour or two. Usage notes: most often used about… …   New idioms dictionary

  • polish off — [v] finish using consume, devour, dispatch, dispose of, do away with*, down*, eat, eat up, eliminate, get rid of*, liquidate, put away*, swill*, use up, wolf*; concepts 169,225 Ant. hoard, save …   New thesaurus

  • polish off — verb 1. finish a task completely (Freq. 1) I finally got through this homework assignment • Syn: ↑get through, ↑wrap up, ↑finish off, ↑mop up, ↑clear up, ↑finish up …   Useful english dictionary

  • polish off — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms polish off : present tense I/you/we/they polish off he/she/it polishes off present participle polishing off past tense polished off past participle polished off informal 1) to eat or drink something until it… …   English dictionary

  • polish off — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you polish off food or drink, you eat or drink all of it, or finish it. [INFORMAL] [V n P] No matter what he is offered to eat he polishes it off in an instant... [V P n (not pron)] He polished off his scotch and slammed the… …   English dictionary

  • polish off — informal 1) he polished off an apple pie Syn: eat, finish, consume, devour, guzzle, wolf down, down, bolt; drink up, drain, quaff, gulp (down), binge on, gorge on; informal stuff oneself with, put away, scoff, shovel …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • polish off something — polish off (something) to finish something quickly and easily. He polished off two burgers and a mountain of French fries. He was nearly finished with the report, and said he could polish it off in another hour or two. Usage notes: most often… …   New idioms dictionary

  • polish off — verb a) To finish completely, especially a food (polish the plate with ones tongue) or liquor. They polished off the last of the cake. b) To remove by polishing (rubbing with a fine abrasive). White rice is rice that has had the brownish hull… …   Wiktionary

  • polish off —    If you polish something off, you finish it quickly or easily.     Susan thought there was too much food but the boys polished it off in no time …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • polish off — Synonyms and related words: KO, accomplish, achieve, attain, blast, blot out, bump off, call off, cancel, compass, complete, consummate, croak, deal with, delete, discharge, dispatch, dispose of, do, do in, do the job, do the trick, drop the… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • polish off — {v.}, {informal} 1. To defeat easily. * /The Dodgers polished off the Yankees in four straight games in the 1963 World Series./ 2. To finish completely; finish doing quickly, often in order to do something else. * /The boys were hungry and… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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