pass through

pass through

1) пересекать;
миновать I've passed through Bath on my way to Wales, but have never stayed there. ≈ Я проезжал через Бат на пути в Уэльс, но не останавливался там.
2) проходить через что-л., испытывать, переживать they are passing through times of troublesони переживают беспокойное время
3) пропускать, просеивать, процеживать сквозь что-л.
4) продевать
5) пронзать He passed his sword through his enemy's body. ≈ Он пронзил мечом врага.
6) проводить (щеткой, рукой и т.д.) ;
просовывать (сквозь что-л.) You'd look neater if you passed a comb through your hair now and again. ≈ Ты бы выглядел приличнее, если бы иногда причесывался. Passing his hand through the hole, he could feel a hard object. ≈ Засунув руку в дыру, он нашел что-то твердое.
7) пройти/закончить курс (в колледже, университете и т.д.) He passed through three years of college without realty learning anything. ≈ Он три года проучился в коллеже, но толком ничему не научился. пропускать - he will pass me through он пропустит меня провозить, ввозить - they * tobacco, wine and spirits into England by contraband они контрабандой ввозят в Англию табак, вино и водку

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pass through" в других словарях:

  • pass-through — pass′ through or pass′through n. 1) cvb a windowlike opening, as one for passing food or dishes between a kitchen and a dining area 2) cvb a place through which one passes or is obliged to pass • Etymology: 1950–55 …   From formal English to slang

  • pass through … — ˌpass ˈthrough… derived to go through a town, etc, stopping there for a short time but not staying • We were passing through, so we thought we d come and say hello. Main entry: ↑passderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • pass through — index endure (suffer), perambulate, permeate, pervade, traverse Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • pass-through — ☆ pass through [pas′thro͞o΄ ] n. an opening in a wall, as between a kitchen and dining room, often with a shelf, as for passing food …   English World dictionary

  • pass through — verb 1. make a passage or journey from one place to another (Freq. 18) The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs; Some travelers pass through the desert • Syn: ↑transit, ↑move through, ↑pass across, ↑pass over •… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pass-through — The original type of MBS structure. In a pass through, investors own a pro rata claim to the cash flows from the pool of underlying mortgages. Each investor s pro rata share of interest and principal is remitted to the investor, passed through,… …   Financial and business terms

  • pass-through — /pas throoh , pahs /, n. 1. a windowlike opening, as one for passing food or dishes between a kitchen and a dining area. 2. a place through which one passes or is obliged to pass: Motorists used the park as a pass through. The new gate will be a… …   Universalium

  • pass through — phrasal verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms pass through : present tense I/you/we/they pass through he/she/it passes through present participle passing through past tense passed through past participle passed through pass through something… …   English dictionary

  • pass through — phr verb Pass through is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑current, ↑pipe, ↑pipeline, ↑ray, ↑ripple, ↑route, ↑shudder Pass through is used with these nouns as the object: ↑airport, ↑gut, ↑immigration, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

  • Pass-Through Certificates — (PTCs) are instruments that evidence the ownership of two or more Equipment Trust Certificates. In other words, Equipment Trust Certificates may be bundled into a pass through structure as a means of diversifying the asset pool and/or increasing… …   Wikipedia

  • pass-through security — UK US noun [C] FINANCE ► PASS THROUGH(Cf. ↑pass through) …   Financial and business terms

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