
ˈfrɔstɪ прил.
1) а) морозный б) перен. ледяной, холодный, зябкий Syn : cold, chilly II
2) седой, убеленный сединами with frosty eyebrows and hair ≈ с седыми бровями и волосами Syn : hoary морозный - * night морозная ночь - * sky морозное небо заиндевелый - * grass покрытая инеем трава - * years of life (образное) старость поседевший, седой - * head серебристые волосы холодный, ледяной - * nature холодная натура - * greeting холодное приветствие - a * welcome ледяной прием frosty морозный;
frosty trees деревья, покрытые инеем ~ седой;
frosty head седая голова ~ перен. холодный, ледяной ~ седой;
frosty head седая голова frosty морозный;
frosty trees деревья, покрытые инеем

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "frosty" в других словарях:

  • Frosty — or Frosties and similar may refer to: *The adjective frosty , meaning frozen or covered with frost Entertainment*Frosty (musician), a guitarist in the American hardcore band Chain of Strength *Frosty Stilwell, radio host in Los Angeles,… …   Wikipedia

  • Frosty — Frost y, a. [Cf. AS. fyrstig.] 1. Attended with, or producing, frost; having power to congeal water; cold; freezing; as, a frosty night. [1913 Webster] 2. Covered with frost; as, the grass is frosty. [1913 Webster] 3. Chill in affection; without… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • frosty — O.E. forstig, fyrstig (Cf. Du. vorstig, Ger. frostig); see FROST (Cf. frost) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Figurative use from late 14c. Related: Frostiness …   Etymology dictionary

  • frosty — chilly, *cold, cool, frigid, freezing, gelid, icy, glacial, arctic …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • frosty — [adj] very cold antarctic, arctic, chill, chilly, cool, frigid, frozen, gelid, glacial, hoar, ice capped, icicled, icy, nippy*, rimy, shivery, wintry; concept 605 Ant. heated, hot, warm …   New thesaurus

  • frosty — ► ADJECTIVE (frostier, frostiest) 1) (of the weather) very cold with frost forming on surfaces. 2) cold and unfriendly. DERIVATIVES frostily adverb frostiness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • frosty — [frôs′tē] adj. frostier, frostiest 1. producing frost or cold enough to produce frost; freezing 2. covered with or as with frost; hoary, glistening, etc. 3. cold in manner or feeling; austere; unfriendly frostily adv. frostiness n …   English World dictionary

  • frosty — frost|y [ˈfrɔsti US ˈfro:sti] adj 1.) a) extremely cold ▪ a beautiful frosty morning ▪ frosty air b) covered with ↑frost ▪ the frosty ground 2.) unfriendly = ↑icy …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • frosty — [[t]frɒ̱sti, AM frɔ͟ːsti[/t]] frostier, frostiest 1) ADJ GRADED If the weather is frosty, the temperature is below freezing., frosty nights. Syn: icy 2) ADJ GRADED You describe the ground or an object as frosty when it is covered with… …   English dictionary

  • frosty — frostily, adv. frostiness, n. frostless, adj. /fraw stee, fros tee/, adj., frostier, frostiest. 1. characterized by or producing frost; freezing; very cold: frosty weather. 2. consisting of or covered with a frost: frosty designs on the windows;… …   Universalium

  • frosty — adj. 1 cold enough for frost VERBS ▪ be, look ▪ become, get, turn (BrE) ▪ when the weather turns frosty ▪ remain …   Collocations dictionary

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