Смотреть что такое "frostwork" в других словарях:
Frostwork — is the term for a rare type of speleothem composed of needle like growths of calcite or aragonite (a polymorph of calcite). In places the frostwork may grow on top of cave popcorn or boxwork. The origin of frostwork is somewhat controversial.… … Wikipedia
Frostwork — Frost work , n. The figurework, often fantastic and delicate, which moisture sometimes forms in freezing, as upon a window pane or a flagstone. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
frostwork — [frôst′wʉrk΄] n. 1. the tracery formed by frost on glass, etc. 2. ornamentation like this, as on silver … English World dictionary
frostwork — noun Date: 1729 the figures that moisture sometimes forms in freezing (as on a windowpane) … New Collegiate Dictionary
frostwork — /frawst werrk , frost /, n. 1. the delicate tracery formed by frost, esp. on glass. 2. similar ornamentation, as on metal. [1640 50; FROST + WORK] * * * … Universalium
frostwork — noun Any naturally occurring intricate pattern of ice crystals … Wiktionary
frostwork — n. pattern created by frost (i.e. on glass); decorative design made to resemble frost on glass … English contemporary dictionary
frostwork — n. Frost tracery, tracery of the frost … New dictionary of synonyms
frostwork — frost•work [[t]ˈfrɔstˌwɜrk, ˈfrɒst [/t]] n. 1) the delicate tracery formed by frost, esp. on glass 2) similar ornamentation, as on metal • Etymology: 1640–50 … From formal English to slang
frostwork — /ˈfrɒstwɜk/ (say frostwerk) noun 1. the delicate tracery formed by frost, especially on glass. 2. similar ornamentation, as on metal …
frostwork — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun 1. : the figures that moisture sometimes forms in freezing (as on a windowpane) 2. : ornamentation (as on silver, glass, paper) imitative of frost figures … Useful english dictionary