
1. сущ. пена;
мыло (на лошади) bath foam ≈ пена для ванны foam fire extinguisherпенный огнетушитель foam plasticпенопласт
2. гл.
1) пениться;
взмылиться (о лошади) (тж. foam up) The beer foamed up and overflowed the glass. ≈ Пиво сильно вспенилось, и пена перелилась через край. Some washing liquids foam too much. ≈ Некоторые моющие средства слишком пенятся.
2) вспенивать;
взбивать в пену;
3) болеть бешенством;
перен. приходить в бешенстве;
быть с пеной у рта (часто foam at the mouth) Avoid any dog that is foaming at the mouth, it has a dangerous disease. ≈ Если видишь собаку с пеной у рта, держись от нее подальше, она бешеная, это опасная болезнь. Critics were foaming at the mouth. ≈ Критики были в бешенстве. пена - waves white with * волны с барашками мыло, пена (на лошади) (устаревшее) море пеноматериал, пенопласт пениться, покрываться пеной - to * over пенясь, переливаться через край быть в мыле (о лошади) пенить;
вспенивать > to * at the mouth брызгать слюной;
прийти в бешенство, злиться foam быть в бешенстве (часто foam at the mouth) ~ взмылиться (о лошади) ~ поэт. море ~ мыло (на лошади) ~ пена ~ пениться

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "foam" в других словарях:

  • foam´er — foam «fohm», noun, verb. –n. 1. a mass of very small bubbles formed in water or other liquids especially by agitation, fermentation, effervescence, or boiling: »Another kind of extinguisher that is valuable for oil fires pours or throws a foam on …   Useful english dictionary

  • foam — n Foam, froth, spume, scum, lather, suds, yeast are comparable when they denote either a mass of bubbles gathering in or on the surface of a liquid or something as insubstantial as such a mass. Foam is the most comprehensive of these terms but is …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • foam´i|ly — foam|y «FOH mee», adjective, foam|i|er, foam|i|est. 1. covered with foam: »foamy surf. 2. made of foam. 3. like foam …   Useful english dictionary

  • foam|y — «FOH mee», adjective, foam|i|er, foam|i|est. 1. covered with foam: »foamy surf. 2. made of foam. 3. like foam …   Useful english dictionary

  • Foam — (f[=o]m), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Foamed} (f[=o]md); p. pr. & vb. n. {Foaming}.] [AS. f[=ae]man. See {Foam}, n.] 1. To gather foam; to froth; as, the billows foam. [1913 Webster] He foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth. Mark ix. 18. [1913 Webster] 2 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • foam — [fōm] n. [ME fom < OE fam, akin to Ger feim, scum < IE base * (s)poimno , foam > Sans phḗna , L spuma] 1. the whitish mass of bubbles formed on or in liquids by agitation, fermentation, etc. 2. something like foam, as the heavy sweat of… …   English World dictionary

  • foam — (n.) O.E. fam foam, saliva froth, from W.Gmc. *faimo (Cf. O.H.G. veim, Ger. Feim), from PIE * (s)poi mo (Cf. Skt. phenah; L. pumex pumice, spuma foam; O.C.S. pena foam; Lith. spaine …   Etymology dictionary

  • foam — ► NOUN 1) a mass of small bubbles formed on or in liquid. 2) a liquid preparation containing many small bubbles: shaving foam. 3) a lightweight form of rubber or plastic made by solidifying foam. ► VERB ▪ form or produce foam. ● foam at the mouth …   English terms dictionary

  • Foam — (f[=o]m), v. t. To cause to foam; as, to foam the goblet; also (with out), to throw out with rage or violence, as foam. Foaming out their own shame. Jude 13. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Foam — (f[=o]m), n. [OE. fam, fom, AS. f[=a]m; akin to OHG. & G. feim.] The white substance, consisting of an aggregation of bubbles, which is formed on the surface of liquids, or in the mouth of an animal, by violent agitation or fermentation; froth;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • foam — [n] bubbles formed from a liquid cream, fluff, froth, head, lather, scum, spray, spume, suds, surf, yeast; concept 260 foam [v] become bubbly aerate, boil, burble, effervesce, ferment, fizz, froth, gurgle, hiss, lather, seethe, simmer, sparkle;… …   New thesaurus

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