
fɪkˈtɪʃəs прил.
1) а) воображаемый, выдуманный, нереальный, придуманный Syn : imaginary, invented, unreal б) безосновательный;
надуманный, изобретенный fictitious theory ≈ безосновательная теория Nations, who have no money have been constrained to invent a fictitious measure in order to express values. ≈ Те народы, у которых нет денежной системы, были вынуждены завести некий придуманный эквивалент для выражения стоимости.
2) а) поддельный, фальшивый, фиктивный Two treaties were drawn up, one was real, the other fictitious. ≈ Были сделаны две копии соглашения : одна обладала юридической силой, другая считалась поддельной. Syn : counterfeit
2. , sham
3) художественный (относящийся к жанру художественной литературы) Out of the fictitious book I get the expression of the life of the time. ≈ Из художественной литературы я получаю представление о жизни в то время. вымышленный, выдуманный;
воображаемый - * being сказочное /фантастическое/ существо - * characters вымышленные (действующие) лица /персонажи/ - * narrative вымысел, выдумка - * name вымышленное имя фиктивный - * marriage фиктивный брак ложный, притворный - * tears притворные слезы - * fame дутая слава - her account of the accident was totally * ее версия несчастного случая была выдумкой взятый из романа - his favourite * heroes and heroines его любимые литературные герои и героини fictitious взятый из романа;
a fictitious character литературный герой ~ воображаемый ~ выдуманный ~ вымышленный, фиктивный ~ вымышленный, воображаемый ~ вымышленный ~ ложный ~ фальшивый ~ фиктивный;
fictitious marriage фиктивный брак ~ фиктивный fictitious взятый из романа;
a fictitious character литературный герой ~ фиктивный;
fictitious marriage фиктивный брак marriage: fictitious ~ фиктивный брак

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fictitious" в других словарях:

  • fictitious — fic·ti·tious adj 1: of, relating to, or characteristic of a legal fiction 2: false fic·ti·tious·ly adv fic·ti·tious·ness n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law …   Law dictionary

  • fictitious — fictitious, fabulous, legendary, mythical, apocryphal mean having the character of something invented or imagined as opposed to something true or genuine. Fictitious commonly implies fabrication and, therefore, more often suggests artificiality… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • fictitious — [fik tish′əs] adj. [L ficticius < pp. of fingere, to form, devise: see DOUGH] 1. of or like fiction; imaginary 2. not real; pretended; false [fictitious joy] 3. assumed for disguise or deception [a fictitious name] fictitiously adv. SYN …   English World dictionary

  • Fictitious — Fic*ti tious, a. [L. fictitius. See {Fiction}.] Feigned; imaginary; not real; fabulous; counterfeit; false; not genuine; as, fictitious fame. [1913 Webster] The human persons are as fictitious as the airy ones. Pope. {Fic*ti tious*ly}, adv.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fictitious — UK US /fɪkˈtɪʃəs/ adjective ► not real: »Executives invented fictitious sales to justify amounts transferred offshore. »Many of the internet customers had been giving fictitious names and addresses …   Financial and business terms

  • fictitious — 1610s, artificial, counterfeit, from M.L. fictitus, a misspelling of L. ficticius artificial, counterfeit, from fictus feigned, fictitious, false, pp. of fingere (see FICTION (Cf. fiction)). Related: Fictitiously …   Etymology dictionary

  • fictitious — [adj] untrue, made up apocryphal, artificial, assumed, bogus*, chimerical, concocted, cooked up*, counterfeit, created, deceptive, delusive, delusory, dishonest, ersatz*, fabricated, factitious, fake, faked, false, fanciful, fantastic, fashioned …   New thesaurus

  • fictitious — ► ADJECTIVE 1) not real or true, being imaginary or invented. 2) referring to the characters and events found in fiction. DERIVATIVES fictitiously adverb fictitiousness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • fictitious — adjective Etymology: Latin ficticius artificial, feigned, from fictus Date: circa 1633 1. of, relating to, or characteristic of fiction ; imaginary 2. a. conventionally or hypothetically assumed or accepted < a fictitious concept > b. of a name …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • fictitious — [[t]fɪktɪ̱ʃəs[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Fictitious is used to describe something that is false or does not exist, although some people claim that it is true or exists. We re interested in the source of these fictitious rumours. Syn: non existent 2)… …   English dictionary

  • fictitious — fictional, fictitious Fictional means ‘occurring in fiction’, i.e. in a piece of literature, whereas fictitious means ‘invented, unreal; not genuine’. So Oliver Twist is a fictional name when it refers to Dickens s character, and a fictitious… …   Modern English usage

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