
  • 51Энотикон — В Википедии есть портал «Христианство» …


  • 52Acacius — (d. 489)    Patriarch.    Acacius was Patriarch of Constantinople from 471 to 489. During this period, a temporary schism arose between the Church of Rome and the Churches of the East. Sponsored by the Eastern Emperor zeno, Acacius and Peter… …

    Who’s Who in Christianity

  • 53Peter the Fuller — (d. 488)    Patriarch and Theologian.    Peter is said to have been a monk in Constantinople. He was expelled from his monastery for his Monophysite opinions, but was appointed Patriarch of Antioch by zeno the Isaurian in 470. However, the… …

    Who’s Who in Christianity

  • 54Philoxenus — (c. 440–523)    Bishop and Theologian.    Philoxenus was born in Tahal, Persia. He was educated in Edessa where ibas was the Bishop. As a Monophysite, Philoxenus defended zeno’s ‘Henoticon’ and he was appointed Bishop of Hierapolis by peter the… …

    Who’s Who in Christianity

  • 55Symmachus — (d. 514)    Pope and Saint.    Symmachus was born in Sardinia and he was elected Pope in 498. An alternative candidate, Laurentius, was also elected and the matter was only settled by the intervention of Theodoric, King of the Goths, in 501.… …

    Who’s Who in Christianity

  • 56Zeno — (c. 450–91)    Monarch.    Zeno was Emperor of the East from 474. He did not achieve many successes, but he is remembered for his ‘Henoticon’, which was an attempt to find a compromise between the orthodox and the Monophysites. Since it did not… …

    Who’s Who in Christianity

  • 57Генотикон —  ♦ (ENG Henoticon)  (482)  (лат. единство)    указ, изданный римским императором Зеноном. Указ стремился разрешить спор с монофизитами и основывался наНикейском Символе веры. Однако он не удовлетворил ни ту, ни др. сторону, и спор продолжился. Г …

    Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов