
  • 111alleluia — (al lé lui ia. L Académie devrait mettre un accent aigu sur la syllabe le, puisque c est la règle moderne) s. m. 1°   Mot de réjouissance que l Église chante au temps de Pâques, à la fin des traits et versets. •   L antique alleluia de Jacob… …

    Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • 11254-я церемония «Грэмми» — Дата проведения 12 февраля 2012 Ме …


  • 113Gregory the Great, (Pope) (St.) — (c. 540, Rome – 12 March 604, Rome)    Pope from 590, St. Gregory reformed the liturgy by importing certain Byzantine practices such as singing the Kyrie and Alleluias outside the Easter season. He may have founded or reorganized the Roman Schola …

    Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • 114Jerusalem —    The ancient capital of Judea and of the modern state of Israel began developing into a center of sacred music when King David established the First Temple about 1000 B. C. As described in 1 Chronicles 15, 16, 23, and 25, by about 970 B. C.… …

    Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • 115Magnus Liber Organi — (Lat. Great Book of Organum )    Collection of organum associated with the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris and believed to have been composed between 1160 and 1225. No manuscript with the title exists; the collection has been reconstructed on… …

    Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • 116Mass —    The Roman Catholic name for the celebration of the Eucharist; Lutheran, Anglican, Orthodox, and other traditions refer to essentially similar liturgies with some variant of the Holy Eucharist, Holy Communion, or the divine liturgy. Also, a… …

    Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • 117Psaltikon —    Liturgical book of Byzantine chant compiled for the soloist as contrasted with the choir’s asmatikon. Responsorial chants divided between soloist and choir will likewise be divided between the books; both are required for a complete… …

    Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • 118Sequence —    Latin chant sung regularly after the Alleluia of the mass from the ninth to 16th centuries. Liturgical reforms resulting from the Council of Trent (1545–1563) eliminated from the Roman Catholic rite more than 4,500 known works. These four… …

    Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • 119Winchester Tropers —    Two manuscripts, provenance of Old Minster, Winchester, England. The earlier, c. 996, contains the oldest version of the liturgical drama Quem quaeritis trope with both text and music. The later, c. 1050, is a revised version of the earlier… …

    Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • 120Biographies of musicians — INCLUDING STUDIES OF SPECIFIC WORKS ■ Bach, Johann Sebastian, and family Boyd, Malcolm, ed. J. S. Bach. Oxford Composer Companions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. ■ Butt, John. Bach: Mass in B Minor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press …

    Historical dictionary of sacred music