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Northern Clerkenwell and Pentonville, Vol. 47 #1

Northern Clerkenwell and Pentonville, Vol. 47

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0300139373, 978-0300139372
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О книге

Clerkenwell is one of the most varied, intricate and richly historic districts of Englands capital city. Its choice for study by the Survey of London is a mark both of its age-old fascination and of i
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Clerkenwell is one of the most varied, intricate and richly historic districts of Englands capital city. Its choice for study by the Survey of London is a mark both of its age-old fascination and of its contemporary appeal. Today Southern Clerkenwell, just north of the City, has become a fashionable location. It houses many in the creative industries, its restaurants and bars are thronged, and its population has been rising for two decades. Northern Clerkenwell, by contrast, has long been acknowledged as having some of Londons best Georgian housing and urban landscapes. There is also an intriguingly mixed quarter beyond the Angel and Pentonville Road, reaching north into Islington. The two parts of Clerkenwell are covered separately in these two interlinked volumes, which are available either separately or as a pair. Clerkenwells present prosperity is rooted in its past. Its density of development, its patterns of land-use and its street layout are witnesses to an unbroken history, going back to monastic foundations. Within the compass of the present volumes, the Survey of London brings together the riches of the area, aiming to omit nothing of significance old or new. In so doing it has created a practical record in words and images of enduring value and usefulness for planners, residents, historians and the wider public. These volumes are the latest in the parish series published at regular intervals over the past hundred years by the Survey of London. They mark several new departures for the Survey. They are the first to be published by Yale University Press, under the sponsorship of the Paul Mellon Centre, and the first to have photographs integrated with the text alongside the handsome architectural drawings for which the series is famed. They also make widespread use of colour images for the first time. Published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art.
0300139373, 978-0300139372
Год выпуска
Paul Mellon Centre BA
Язык издания
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Основной жанр книги
Нехудожественная литература
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
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Твердый переплет
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  • Paul Mellon Centre BA Издательство
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