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Doctor Who: Tales of Trenzalore | Finch Paul, Mann George #1

Doctor Who: Tales of Trenzalore | Finch Paul, Mann George

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As it had been foretold, the armies of the Universe gathered at Trenzalore. Only one thing stood between the planet and destruction – the Doctor. For nine hundred years, he defended the planet, a
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As it had been foretold, the armies of the Universe gathered at Trenzalore. Only one thing stood between the planet and destruction – the Doctor. For nine hundred years, he defended the planet, and the tiny town of Christmas, against the forces that would destroy it.
Some of what happened during those terrible years is well documented. But most of it has remained shrouded in mystery and darkness. Until now.
This is a glimpse of just some of the terrors the people faced, the monstrous threats the Doctor defeated. These are the tales of the monsters who found themselves afraid - and of the one man who was not.
(Tales of Trenzalore collects four of the Doctor’s adventures from different periods during the Siege of Trenzalore and the ensuing battle:
Let it Snow – by Justin Richards.
An Apple a Day – by George Mann.
Strangers in the Outland – by Paul Finch.
The Dreaming – by Mark Morris).
Doctor Who: 50th Anniversary Collection
Год выпуска
Finch Paul, Mann George, Ричардс Джастин, Моррис Марк
BBC Books
Язык издания
Формат издания
Количество страниц
Тип обложки
Мягкая обложка
Автор на обложке
Justin Richards, Mark Morris, George Mann, Paul Finch
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
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  • Finch Paul Автор
  • Mann George Автор
  • Ричардс Джастин Автор
  • Моррис Марк Автор


  • BBC Books Издательство
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