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TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies #1

TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies

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О книге

TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies is a ready-made course manual for TEFL teachers. With fully fleshed-out lessons, activities, tools, games, and resources, this book contains what is essentially an instan
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TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies is a ready-made course manual for TEFL teachers. With fully fleshed-out lessons, activities, tools, games, and resources, this book contains what is essentially an instant TEFL course. Use the ready-made materials directly in the classroom, or follow along with the detailed planning models and frameworks to grow your skills while designing your own lesson plans more effectively. The book includes access to online materials you can print for use in class, and the lessons can be used with or without the aid of technology in the classroom. You'll find expert advice on teaching all age levels and class sizes, including ideas for taking the lessons out into the world.

Many EFL/ESL teachers have little or no experience, and may have only been in the profession for a limited time. TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies saves the day with materials, ideas, and activities that can be implemented quickly and easily, making lessons more productive and fun. From quick exercises to larger-scale plans, this book contains hundreds of ways to help your students become more proficient English speakers.

- Implement expertly-designed planning models with step-by-step advice

- Teach lessons designed for students of all ages and classes of all sizes

- Integrate technology when it's available, or do without it when it's not

- Move your lessons outside of the classroom for deeper immersion

Whether you're taking a TEFL training course, about to head out on your first job, or a veteran of the field, this book provides you with the tools you will need to get things moving in class. If you're looking to cut down on planning time without sacrificing student engagement, TEFL Lesson Plans For Dummies is the classroom-ready resource you need.

Год выпуска
For Dummies
Язык издания
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Автор на обложке
Michelle Maxom
Количество страниц
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
Тип обложки
Мягкая обложка
Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления, внешнем виде и цвете товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных к моменту публикации сведениях


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