UOs — операционная система реального времени представляет собой переносимую масштабируемую встраиваемую операционную систему для промышленных применений и систем реального времени. Свободная лицензия (GPL с дополнением) позволяет использовать uOS в… … Википедия
UoS — may refer to:*The University of Sheffield, a university in Northern England *The University of Southampton, a university in Southern England *The University of Seoul, a public university in central Seoul, which is run by the Metropolitan… … Wikipedia
UOS — Die Abkürzung UOS oder Uos steht für: Universität Osnabrück in Deutschland University of Sheffield in England Unoctseptium, das Element 187 im erweiterten Periodensystem Unteroffiziersschule in der Schweizer Armee den Flughafen Franklin County… … Deutsch Wikipedia
UOS — Upstream Optimization Suite (Computing » Networking) ** Universal OPC Server (Computing » Networking) * Under One Sun (Miscellaneous) * Micro Operating System (Computing » General) * UCAV Operational System (Governmental » Military) * Undelivered … Abbreviations dictionary
UOS — abbr. Undelivered Order Schedule … Dictionary of abbreviations
MicroOS — uOS is a portable well scalable operating system for embedded real time systems. uOS is free software (GPL with extension) and intended for commercial applications. Supported architectures Atmel AVR. ARM: Atmel AT91SAM7 and AT91SAM9, Samsung… … Wikipedia
List of eruvin — An eruv chatzerot ( he. עירוב חצרות), commonly known in English as a community eruv, is a symbolic boundary that allows Jews who observe the traditional rules concerning Shabbat to carry certain items outside of their homes that would otherwise… … Wikipedia
Eonaviego — Gallego asturiano Hablado en País: España Región: Principado de Asturias Comarca: Eo Navia … Wikipedia Español
Union of Salvation — The Union of Salvation ( ru. Союз спасения , or Soyuz spaseniya), also known as the Society of True and Loyal Sons of the Fatherland since 1817 ( Общество истинных и верных сынов отечества , or Obshchestvo istinnykh i vernykh synov otechestva)… … Wikipedia
University of Seoul — Vorlage:Infobox Hochschule/Logo fehlt Städtische Universität Seoul Motto 진리 창조 봉사 (Wahrheit, Schaffen, Dienst) Gründung 1. Mai 1918 (Hochschule: 1. März 1956) Trägerschaft öffentlich (städtisch) Ort Seoul Staat … Deutsch Wikipedia