- Новоассирийское царство
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Средневавилонский/ Среднеассирийский периоды
Новоассирийский период Нововавилонское царство Новоассирийское царство — ассирийское государство в Месопотамии, существовавшее в период с 934 года до н.э. по 609 год до н.э.[1] В течение этого периода Ассирия укрепляла свои позиции в качестве региональной державы.
Если в среднеассирийский период государство было скромной монархией к северу от Вавилона, то после осуществления реформ (Тиглатпаласар III, VIII век до н.э.)[2][3] ассирийцы смогли подчинить Вавилонию и другие государства Месопотамии и Сирии, став значительной угрозой для Древнего Египта.
Ассирия пала под ударами коалиции вавилонян, мидийцев и скифов, разбивших имперские войска под Ниневией.
Многие ученые рассматривают Новоассирийское царство как первую империю в истории человечества.[4]
Ассирийская культура оказала значительное влияние на Персидскую империю и Нововавилонское царство.[5]
См. также
- ↑ Parpola, Simo National and Ethnic Identity in the Neo-Assyrian Empire and Assyrian Identity in Post-Empire Times (PDF). Assyriology. Journal of Assyrian Academic Studies, Vol 18, N0. 2 (2004). — «The Neo-Assyrian Empire (934-609 BC) was a multi-ethnic state composed of many peoples and tribes of different origins.» Архивировано из первоисточника 30 апреля 2012.
- ↑ Assyrian Eponym List
- ↑ Tadmor, H. (1994). The Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III, King of Assyria.pp.29
- ↑ Frye, Richard N. Assyria and Syria: Synonyms. PhD., Harvard University. Journal of Near Eastern Studies (1992). — «And the ancient Assyrian empire, was the first real, empire in history. What do I mean, it had many different peoples included in the empire, all speaking Aramaic, and becoming what may be called, "Assyrian citizens." That was the first time in history, that we have this. For example, Elamite musicians, were brought to Nineveh, and they were 'made Assyrians' which means, that Assyria, was more than a small country, it was the empire, the whole Fertile Crescent.»
- ↑ Hirad Dinavari More alike than different. The Iranian. — «The cultural give and take influenced the many things some of which are the cuneiform writing and the building of ziggurats which the later Assyrians and the Achaemenid (Hakhamaneshi) Persians inherited. The Assyrians for the most part were responsible for the destruction of the Elamite civilization but the Assyrians influenced the cultures of Media and Ararat (Armenia) and the influence of Elam lived on among the Medes and Persians. The various Iranian speaking peoples who had been coming into what is now Caucasus Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia since around 4 thousand BCE were heavily influenced by the aboriginal Elamites and the Semitic Babylonians and Assyrians. This difference can be most noticed when one compares other Iranian speaking peoples who lived in Eurasia like the Scything and Sarmatians whose culture was very different with that of Iranian tribes who settled in the Iranian Plateau and became more intertwined with Slavic peoples. So from that far back Iran (the geographic location) has been multi-ethnic.» Архивировано из первоисточника 30 апреля 2012.
- http://www.livius.org/as-at/assyria/assyria.html
- Decline of the Assyrian empire
- http://www3.uakron.edu/ziyaret/index.html
- http://www3.uakron.edu/ziyaret/historical.html
- http://www.geocities.com/garyweb65/neoassy.html
- http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-55456/history-of-Mesopotamia
- Chart of World Kingdoms, Nations and Empires - All Empiresgsrgsfdvzcvzgregevgfsdv faf,,daf,ad///fadfk\[d.cadf\a[p////,;l[ac/eqwf[p[pq[e0303999$$%5
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