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Lelia Walker, 1867

на Викивидах
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Lelia — род полужесткокрылых (подотряда клопов) из семейства настоящих щитников.


Углы переднеспинки загнуты вперёд Верх тела буровато-жёлтый, без металлического блеска[1].


В составе рода:

  • Lelia decempunctata
  • Lelia porrigens


  1. Определитель насекомых Дальнего Востока СССР. Т. II. Равнокрылые и полужесткокрылые. / под общ.ред. П. А. Лера. — Ленинград: «Наука», 1988. — С. 919—930. — 972 с. — 1950 экз. — ISBN 5-7442-0921-2

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу


Смотреть что такое "Lelia" в других словарях:

  • Lelia — PS Lelia was a steamship built during the American Civil War for use as a blockade runner for the Confederate States of America. She sank in Liverpool Bay in 1865 in an incident which caused 46 fatalities. Lelia was built by William C Miller… …   Wikipedia

  • Lelia Green — is a educator, professor, and a senior lecturer teaching at the School of Communications and Multimedia at Edith Cowan University, Perth. Green is the author of Technoculture: From Alphabet to Cybersex and the editor of Framing Technology:… …   Wikipedia

  • Lélia Abramo — (São Paulo, February 8, 1911 São Paulo, April 9, 2004) was a Italian Brazilian actress.Daughter of Italian immigrants, Abramo lived in Italy from 1938 to 1950, suffering through the privations of World War II. Along with her brothers Claudio… …   Wikipedia

  • Lelia Gousseau — Lélia Gousseau Lélia Gousseau est une pianiste française, concertiste et pédagogue née à Paris le 11 février 1909 et morte le 14 février 1997 dans cette même ville. Fille de la pianiste Fanny d Almeida (disciple d Elie Delaborde) et de l… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lélia Gousseau — Lélia Gousseau, née le 11 février 1909 à Paris et morte le 14 février 1997 dans cette même ville, est une pianiste, concertiste et pédagogue française. Biographie Fille de la pianiste Fanny d Almeida (disciple d Elie… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lelia Masaga — (born 30 August 1986) is a professional rugby union player from Counties Manukau. Masaga is contracted to the Waikato Chiefs in the Super 14 where he plays for them on the Wing. Nicknamed Flash and he is also the youngest member of the team. His… …   Wikipedia

  • Lelia Masaga — Spielerinformationen Geburtstag 30. August 1986 Geburtsort Wellington, Neuseeland Spitzname Flash Verein Verein Counties Manukau …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lélia Young — est une professeur, poète, critique et nouvelliste canadienne. Biographie Lélia Young vit à Toronto en Ontario. Ses œuvres Réverbère, Édition du Marais, Montréal, 2007, 80 p. ISBN : 978 2 9809859 2 8 La paix comme un poème, poésie, Éditions… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lelia Goldoni — Infobox actor name = Lelia Goldoni caption = birthdate = 1 October 1936 birthplace = New York CityLelia Goldoni (born 1 October 1936) is an American actress who appeared in a number of motion pictures and television shows starting in the late… …   Wikipedia

  • lelia — pop. hipoc. de Aurelio/a …   Diccionario Lunfardo

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