HMS Yarmouth

HMS Yarmouth

Шесть кораблей Королевского флота назывались HMS Yarmouth, в честь города и порта Грейт-Ярмут:

  • 3 ранга спущен на воду в 1695. перестроен в 1709; превращен в блокшив в 1740; продан в 1769.
  • HMS Yarmouth — 64-пушечный корабль 3 ранга спущен на воду в 1745. Сражался при Куддалоре, Негапатаме и Пондишерри; позже участвовал в Американской революционной войне; переделан в 60-пушечный в 1781, использовался как плавучая казарма с 1783; разобран в 1811.
  • лихтер; спущен на воду в 1798; перестроен в 1810; передан береговой охране в 1828; продан в 1835.
  • лёгкий крейсер типа Town; спущен на воду в 1911; продан в 1929.
  • фрегат типа Фолклендской войне вернулся без повреждений; потоплен в качестве мишени в 1987.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "HMS Yarmouth" в других словарях:

  • HMS Yarmouth — Six ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Yarmouth after the Norfolk town and port of Great Yarmouth:*HMS Yarmouth was a 50 gun ship launched in 1653 and broken up in 1680. *HMS Yarmouth was a 70 gun third rate launched in 1695. She was …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Yarmouth (1745) — HMS Yarmouth HMS Yarmouth Служба …   Википедия

  • HMS Yarmouth (F101) — was the first Modified Type 12 frigate of the Rothesay class to enter service with the Royal Navy. From her commissioning in 1960, she performed in numerous roles, including the Falklands War. On 13 July 1965, Yarmouth collided with the submarine …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Yarmouth (1911) — HMS Yarmouth was a Town class light cruiser of the Royal Navy launched on 12 April 1911 from the yards of the London Glasgow Co. She was part of the Weymouth subgroup.On the outbreak of war, Yarmouth was on the China Station, and later in 1914,… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Yarmouth (1653) — HMS Yarmouth was a 44 gun Fourth rate frigate of the English Royal Navy, originally built for the navy of the Commonwealth of England at Great Yarmouth under the 1652 Programme, and launched in 1653. By 1666 her original armament of 44 guns (24… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Yarmouth (1694) — HMS Yarmouth was a 70 gun third rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy, launched at Harwich on 7 January 1694.She was rebuilt according to the 1706 Establishment at Deptford, and was relaunched on 9 September 1709. Yarmouth was hulked in… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Yarmouth (1695) — HMS Yarmouth was a 70 gun Third rate ship of the line of the English Royal Navy, built for the navy at Harwich under the 1690 Programme, and launched in 1695.The Yarmouth was broken up in 1707 and rebuilt by John Wicker at his Deptford private… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Yarmouth (1748) — HMS Yarmouth was a 64 gun third rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy, built at Deptford Dockyard to the dimensions specified in the 1741 proposals of the 1719 Establishment, and launched on 28 December 1748.In 1781, Yarmouth was reduced in… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Yarmouth (1911) — Classe Town La classe de croiseurs légers britanniques Town (« ville » en anglais), fut produite juste avant et pendant la Première Guerre mondiale pour la Royal Navy et la Royal Australian Navy. Ils constituèrent un bon modèle de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • HMS Yarmouth (F101) — Die HMS Yarmouth (F101) Geschichte Typ Fregatte Bauwerft John B …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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