
Научная классификация
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Diphucrania Dejean, 1833[1]

  • Cisseis Gory & Laporte, 1839
  • Diphucrama (Kerremans, 1892)
  • Ethon Gory & Laporte, 1839
Номенклатурный тип
Diphucrania leucosticta (Kirby, 1818)
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Diphucrania  (лат.) — род жуков-златок.





Известно более 100 видов. Род относится к трибе Coraebini Bedel, 1921 (Agrilinae) и объединил в себе виды, ранее включаемые в роды Cisseis Gory & Laporte, 1839, Diphucrama (Kerremans, 1892) и Ethon Gory & Laporte, 1839.

  • Род Diphucrania Dejean, 1833[3]
    • Diphucrania aberrans (Barker, 2001) (=Cisseis aberrans)
    • Diphucrania acuducta (Kirby, 1837)
    • Diphucrania adusta (Barker, 2001)
    • Diphucrania aenea (Barker, 2007)
    • Diphucrania aenigma (Barker, 2007)
    • Diphucrania aeruginosa (Barker, 2007)
    • Diphucrania albertisii (Gestro, 1877)
    • Diphucrania albosparsa (Gory & Laporte, 1839)
    • Diphucrania aquilonia (Bellamy, 1991)
    • Diphucrania armstrongi (Barker, 2001)
    • Diphucrania leucosticta (Kirby, 1818) typus (=Buprestis leucosticta Kirby, 1818)
    • Другие виды

См. также


  1. Dejean, P.F.M.A. 1833. Catalogue des Coléoptères de la collection de M. le comte Dejean. Paris : Méquignon-Marvis, Father & Sons Vol. 1 96 pp. [81]
  2. Australian Faunal Directory
  3. http://www.fond4beetles.com/Buprestidae/WorldCat/Genera/Diphucrania.htm


  • Barker, S. 2002. A check list of the Cisseis (sensu stricto) Gory & Laporte, 1839 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Agrilinae). Records of the South Australian Museum 35(1): 85-90
  • Bellamy, C. L. 1985. A catalogue of the higher taxa of the family Buprestidae (Coleoptera). Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum Bloemfontein 4(15): 405–472 [423]
  • Bellamy, C. L. 1986. The higher classification of Australian Buprestidae with the description of a new genus and species (Coleoptera). Australian Journal of Zoology 34: 583–600 [596]
  • Bellamy, C. L. 1988. The classification and phylogeny of Australian Coroebini with a revision of the genera Paracephala, Meliboeithon and Dinocephalia. Invertebrate Taxonomy 2(3): 413–453 [417]
  • Bellamy, C.L. 1998. A clarification of authorship of buprestid genera originally defined in the catalogues of P. F. M. A. Dejean (Coleoptera, Buprestidae). Fragmenta Entomologica 29(2): 365–382 [376]


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