- Реализация АВЛ-дерева
Ниже предложены возможная программная реализация АВЛ-дерева.
Код класса на Object Pascal.unit mAVLTree; interface type TAVLTree = class; TAVLTreeNode = class (TObject) private FKey: Cardinal; FData: TObject; FBalance, FLeftBalance, FRightBalance: Byte; FLeft, FRight, FParent: TAVLTreeNode; FOwner: TAVLTree; procedure RefreshBalance; public constructor Create(AOwner: TAVLTree; AKey: Cardinal; AData: TObject; AParent: TAVLTreeNode); destructor Destroy; override; function GetNext(AKey: Cardinal): TAVLTreeNode; property Key: Cardinal read FKey write FKey; property Data: TObject read FData write FData; property Parent: TAVLTreeNode read FParent write FParent; property Left: TAVLTreeNode read FLeft write FLeft; property Right: TAVLTreeNode read FRight write FRight; property Balance: Byte read FBalance; property LeftBalance: Byte read FLeftBalance; property RightBalance: Byte read FRightBalance; end; TAVLTree = class (TObject) private FRoot: TAVLTreeNode; FOwnedObjects: Boolean; procedure Balance(const ANode: TAVLTreeNode); public constructor Create(AOwnedObjects: Boolean); destructor Destroy; override; function IsEmpty: Boolean; function FindData(AKey: Cardinal): Pointer; function FindNode(AKey: Cardinal): TAVLTreeNode; function FindOrInsert(AKey: Cardinal; AData: TObject): TAVLTreeNode; function Delete(AKey: Cardinal): Boolean; procedure Clear; property Root: TAVLTreeNode read FRoot write FRoot; end; implementation uses SysUtils; { TAVLTreeNode } procedure TAVLTreeNode.RefreshBalance; begin if Assigned(Left) then FLeftBalance := Left.Balance else FLeftBalance := 0; if Assigned(Right) then FRightBalance := Right.Balance else FRightBalance := 0; if RightBalance > LeftBalance then FBalance := RightBalance + 1 else FBalance := LeftBalance + 1; end; constructor TAVLTreeNode.Create(AOwner: TAVLTree; AKey: Cardinal; AData: TObject; AParent: TAVLTreeNode); begin inherited Create; FKey := AKey; FData := AData; Parent := AParent; FBalance := 1; FOwner := AOwner; end; destructor TAVLTreeNode.Destroy; begin if FOwner.FOwnedObjects then FreeAndNil(FData); inherited; end; function TAVLTreeNode.GetNext(AKey: Cardinal): TAVLTreeNode; begin if Key > AKey then Result := Left else Result := Right; end; { TAVLTree } procedure TAVLTree.Balance(const ANode: TAVLTreeNode); var NodeA, NodeB, NodeC, CurrentNode: TAVLTreeNode; begin CurrentNode := ANode; while Assigned(CurrentNode) do begin CurrentNode.RefreshBalance; if Abs(CurrentNode.LeftBalance - CurrentNode.RightBalance) <= 1 then CurrentNode := CurrentNode.Parent else if CurrentNode.RightBalance > CurrentNode.LeftBalance then begin if CurrentNode.Right.LeftBalance > CurrentNode.Right.RightBalance then begin NodeA := CurrentNode; NodeB := NodeA.Right; NodeC := NodeB.Left; NodeC.Parent := NodeA.Parent; if Assigned(NodeC.Parent) then if NodeC.Parent.Right = NodeA then NodeC.Parent.Right := NodeC else NodeC.Parent.Left := NodeC; NodeA.Parent := NodeC; NodeB.Parent := NodeC; NodeA.Right := NodeC.Left; if Assigned(NodeA.Right) then NodeA.Right.Parent := NodeA; NodeC.Left := NodeA; NodeB.Left := NodeC.Right; if Assigned(NodeB.Left) then NodeB.Left.Parent := NodeB; NodeC.Right := NodeB; NodeA.RefreshBalance; NodeB.RefreshBalance; NodeC.RefreshBalance; if Root = NodeA then Root := NodeC; CurrentNode := NodeC.Parent; end else begin NodeA := CurrentNode; NodeB := NodeA.Right; NodeB.Parent := NodeA.Parent; if Assigned(NodeB.Parent) then if NodeB.Parent.Right = NodeA then NodeB.Parent.Right := NodeB else NodeB.Parent.Left := NodeB; NodeA.Parent := NodeB; NodeA.Right := NodeB.Left; if Assigned(NodeA.Right) then NodeA.Right.Parent := NodeA; NodeB.Left := NodeA; NodeA.RefreshBalance; NodeB.RefreshBalance; if Root = NodeA then Root := NodeB; CurrentNode := NodeB.Parent; end end else begin if CurrentNode.Left.RightBalance>CurrentNode.Left.LeftBalance then begin NodeA := CurrentNode; NodeB := NodeA.Left; NodeC := NodeB.Right; NodeC.Parent := NodeA.Parent; if Assigned(NodeC.Parent) then if NodeC.Parent.Right = NodeA then NodeC.Parent.Right := NodeC else NodeC.Parent.Left := NodeC; NodeA.Parent := NodeC; NodeB.Parent := NodeC; NodeA.Left := NodeC.Right; if Assigned(NodeA.Left) then NodeA.Left.Parent := NodeA; NodeC.Right := NodeA; NodeB.Right := NodeC.Left; if Assigned(NodeB.Right) then NodeB.Right.Parent := NodeB; NodeC.Left:=NodeB; NodeA.RefreshBalance; NodeB.RefreshBalance; NodeC.RefreshBalance; if Root = NodeA then Root := NodeC; CurrentNode := NodeC.Parent; end else begin NodeA := CurrentNode; NodeB := NodeA.Left; NodeB.Parent := NodeA.Parent; if Assigned(NodeB.Parent) then if NodeB.Parent.Right = NodeA then NodeB.Parent.Right := NodeB else NodeB.Parent.Left := NodeB; NodeA.Parent := NodeB; NodeA.Left := NodeB.Right; if Assigned(NodeA.Left) then NodeA.Left.Parent := NodeA; NodeB.Right := NodeA; NodeA.RefreshBalance; NodeB.RefreshBalance; if Root = NodeA then Root := NodeB; CurrentNode:=NodeB.Parent; end end; end; end; constructor TAVLTree.Create(AOwnedObjects: Boolean); begin inherited Create; FOwnedObjects := AOwnedObjects; end; destructor TAVLTree.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited; end; function TAVLTree.IsEmpty: Boolean; begin Result := not Assigned(Root); end; function TAVLTree.FindData(AKey: Cardinal): Pointer; var Node: TAVLTreeNode; begin Node := FindNode(AKey); if Assigned(Node) then Result := Node.Data else Result := nil; end; function TAVLTree.FindNode(AKey: Cardinal): TAVLTreeNode; begin Result := Root; while Assigned(Result) and (Result.Key <> AKey) do Result := Result.GetNext(AKey); end; function TAVLTree.FindOrInsert(AKey: Cardinal; AData: TObject): TAVLTreeNode; var ParentNode, NewNode: TAVLTreeNode; begin Result := Root; if Assigned(Result) then begin ParentNode := nil; Result := Root; while Assigned(Result) and (Result.Key <> Akey) do begin ParentNode := Result; Result := Result.GetNext(AKey); end; if Assigned(Result) then Exit; NewNode := TAVLTreeNode.Create(Self, AKey, AData, ParentNode); if ParentNode.Key > NewNode.Key then ParentNode.Left := NewNode else ParentNode.Right := NewNode; Balance(ParentNode); end else begin Root := TAVLTreeNode.Create(Self, AKey, AData, nil); end; end; function TAVLTree.Delete(AKey: Cardinal): Boolean; var CurrentNode, NodeA, NodeB: TAVLTreeNode; begin CurrentNode := FindNode(AKey); Result := Assigned(CurrentNode); if Result then begin if CurrentNode.LeftBalance > CurrentNode.RightBalance then begin NodeA := CurrentNode.Left; while Assigned(NodeA.Right) do NodeA := NodeA.Right; NodeB := NodeA.Parent; if NodeB = CurrentNode then begin CurrentNode.Left := NodeA.Left; if Assigned(CurrentNode.Left) then CurrentNode.Left.Parent := CurrentNode; end else begin NodeB.Right := NodeA.Left; if Assigned(NodeB.Right) then NodeB.Right.Parent := NodeB; end; CurrentNode.Key := NodeA.Key; CurrentNode.Data := NodeA.Data; FreeAndNil(NodeA); Balance(NodeB); end else if CurrentNode.RightBalance > 0 then begin NodeA := CurrentNode.Right; while Assigned(NodeA.Left) do NodeA := NodeA.Left; NodeB := NodeA.Parent; if NodeB = CurrentNode then begin CurrentNode.Right := NodeA.Right; if Assigned(CurrentNode.Right) then CurrentNode.Right.Parent := CurrentNode; end else begin NodeB.Left:=NodeA.Right; if Assigned(NodeB.Left) then NodeB.Left.Parent := NodeB; end; CurrentNode.Key := NodeA.Key; CurrentNode.Data := NodeA.Data; FreeAndNil(NodeA); Balance(NodeB); end else begin if not Assigned(CurrentNode.Parent) then Root := nil else if (CurrentNode.Parent.Left = CurrentNode) then CurrentNode.Parent.Left := nil else CurrentNode.Parent.Right := nil ; {Parent of Current Node is Not Balanced ,so} Balance(CurrentNode.Parent); FreeAndNil(CurrentNode); end; end; end; procedure TAVLTree.Clear; procedure _Clear_R(ANode: TAVLTreeNode); begin if not Assigned(ANode) then Exit; if Assigned(ANode.Left) then begin _Clear_R(ANode.Left); end; if Assigned(ANode.Right) then begin _Clear_R(ANode.Right); end; FreeAndNil(ANode); end; begin _Clear_R(FRoot); end; end.
Код класса на C++.using std::swap; using std::max; template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> class TreeMap{ struct Node{ KEY_T Key; DATA_T Data; Node* LeftChild; Node* RightChild; int Balance; Node(const KEY_T InKey, DATA_T InData); ~Node(); Node* GetNodeByKey(const KEY_T& InKey); void DeleteBranch(); int Add(const KEY_T& InKey, const DATA_T& InData); int Delete(const KEY_T& InKey, Node* Parent=NULL); void DeleteLeaf(Node* Parent); size_t Count(); Node* Leftest(); Node* Rightest(); void Swap(Node* Another); void Rebalance(); void RotateLeft(); void RotateRight(); void DoubleRotateLeft(); void DoubleRotateRight(); int Height(); void Check(); }; Node* Root; public: class Iterator{ Node* CurrentNode; TreeMap* CurrentTree; List<Node*> Stack; void SetBad(); void GoLeft(); void GoRight(); public: friend class TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>; Iterator(const Iterator& InIterator); Iterator(TreeMap& InTreeMap, bool IsBegin=true); operator bool(); Iterator& operator++(); Iterator& operator--(); Iterator operator++(int); Iterator operator--(int); Iterator& operator+=(size_t n); Iterator& operator-=(size_t n); Iterator& operator=(const Iterator& InIterator); Iterator& operator=(const KEY_T& InKey); DATA_T& operator*(); void Delete(); void Add(const KEY_T& InKey, const DATA_T& InData); }; TreeMap(); ~TreeMap(); Iterator GetBegin(); Iterator GetEnd(); void Add(const KEY_T& InKey, const DATA_T& InData); void Delete(const KEY_T& InKey); DATA_T& operator[](const KEY_T& InKey); size_t Count(); void Clear(); Iterator Find(const DATA_T& Unknown); void CheckIntegrity(); }; template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::Node(const KEY_T InKey, DATA_T InData):Key(InKey), Data(InData), LeftChild(NULL), RightChild(NULL), Balance(0){ } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::~Node(){ } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::DeleteLeaf(TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node* Parent){ if(Parent->LeftChild==this) Parent->LeftChild=NULL; else Parent->RightChild=NULL; delete this; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node* TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::GetNodeByKey(const KEY_T& InKey){ if(InKey==Key) return this; else if(InKey>Key && RightChild) return RightChild->GetNodeByKey(InKey); else if(LeftChild) return LeftChild->GetNodeByKey(InKey); throw String("No node for this key!"); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> size_t TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::Count(){ size_t Counter=1; if(RightChild) Counter+=RightChild->Count(); if(LeftChild) Counter+=LeftChild->Count(); return Counter; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> int TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::Add(const KEY_T& InKey, const DATA_T& InData){ if(InKey==Key) throw String("Not unique key!"); int OldBalance=Balance; if(InKey>Key) if(RightChild){ Balance+=RightChild->Add(InKey, InData); Rebalance(); }else{ RightChild=new Node(InKey, InData); Balance++; } else if(LeftChild){ Balance-=LeftChild->Add(InKey, InData); Rebalance(); }else{ LeftChild=new Node(InKey, InData); Balance--; } if(Balance!=OldBalance) return (Balance!=0); return 0; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::Swap(TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node* Another){ swap(Key, Another->Key); swap(Data, Another->Data); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node* TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::Leftest(){ Node* CurrentNode=this; while(CurrentNode->LeftChild) CurrentNode=CurrentNode->LeftChild; return CurrentNode; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node* TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::Rightest(){ Node* CurrentNode=this; while(CurrentNode->RightChild) CurrentNode=CurrentNode->RightChild; return CurrentNode; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> int TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::Delete(const KEY_T& InKey, TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node* Parent){ int OldBalance=Balance; if(InKey==Key){ if(!RightChild && !LeftChild){ DeleteLeaf(Parent); return 1; }else if(Balance>=0){ Swap(RightChild->Leftest()); Balance-=RightChild->Delete(InKey, this); }else{ Swap(LeftChild->Rightest()); Balance+=LeftChild->Delete(InKey, this); } }else if(InKey>Key) if(RightChild){ Balance-=RightChild->Delete(InKey, this); Rebalance(); }else throw String("There is no node for this key!"); else if(LeftChild){ Balance+=LeftChild->Delete(InKey, this); Rebalance(); }else throw String("There is no node for this key!"); if(Balance!=OldBalance) return (Balance==0); return 0; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::Rebalance(){ if(Balance==2) if(RightChild->Balance>=0) RotateRight(); else DoubleRotateRight(); else if(Balance==-2) if(LeftChild->Balance<=0) RotateLeft(); else DoubleRotateLeft(); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::RotateRight(){ Swap(RightChild); Node* R=RightChild->RightChild; RightChild->RightChild=RightChild->LeftChild; RightChild->LeftChild=LeftChild; LeftChild=RightChild; RightChild=R; Balance=LeftChild->Balance-1; LeftChild->Balance=1-LeftChild->Balance; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::DoubleRotateRight(){ Swap(RightChild->LeftChild); Node* N=RightChild->LeftChild->RightChild; RightChild->LeftChild->RightChild=RightChild->LeftChild->LeftChild; RightChild->LeftChild->LeftChild=LeftChild; LeftChild=RightChild->LeftChild; RightChild->LeftChild=N; Balance=0; RightChild->Balance=(LeftChild->Balance==-1); LeftChild->Balance=-(LeftChild->Balance==1); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::RotateLeft(){ Swap(LeftChild); Node* L=LeftChild->LeftChild; LeftChild->LeftChild=LeftChild->RightChild; LeftChild->RightChild=RightChild; RightChild=LeftChild; LeftChild=L; Balance=1+RightChild->Balance; RightChild->Balance=-1-RightChild->Balance; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::DoubleRotateLeft(){ Swap(LeftChild->RightChild); Node* M=LeftChild->RightChild->LeftChild; LeftChild->RightChild->LeftChild=LeftChild->RightChild->RightChild; LeftChild->RightChild->RightChild=RightChild; RightChild=LeftChild->RightChild; LeftChild->RightChild=M; Balance=0; LeftChild->Balance=-(RightChild->Balance==1); RightChild->Balance=(RightChild->Balance==-1); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::TreeMap(): Root(NULL){} template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::~TreeMap(){ Clear(); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::GetBegin(){ return Iterator(*this); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::GetEnd(){ return Iterator(*this, false); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> size_t TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Count(){ if(!Root) return 0; return Root->Count(); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Clear(){ if(!Root) return; Root->DeleteBranch(); Root=NULL; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::DeleteBranch(){ if(LeftChild) LeftChild->DeleteBranch(); if(RightChild) RightChild->DeleteBranch(); delete this; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::SetBad(){ CurrentNode=NULL; Stack.Clear(); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::GoLeft(){ while(CurrentNode && CurrentNode->LeftChild){ Stack.AddLast(CurrentNode); CurrentNode=CurrentNode->LeftChild; } } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::GoRight(){ while(CurrentNode && CurrentNode->RightChild){ Stack.AddLast(CurrentNode); CurrentNode=CurrentNode->RightChild; } } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Find(const DATA_T& Unknown){ Iterator r(*this); for(; r; ++r) if(*r==Unknown) return r; r.SetBad(); return r; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::Iterator(const TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator& InIterator){ operator=(InIterator); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::Iterator(TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>& InTreeMap, bool IsBegin):CurrentNode(InTreeMap.Root), CurrentTree(&InTreeMap){ if(IsBegin) GoLeft(); else GoRight(); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::operator bool(){ return CurrentNode!=NULL; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator& TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::operator++(){ if(!CurrentNode) return *this; if(CurrentNode->RightChild){ Stack.AddLast(CurrentNode); CurrentNode=CurrentNode->RightChild; GoLeft(); return *this; } if(Stack.Count()==0){ SetBad(); return *this; } typename List<Node*>::Iterator i=Stack.GetEnd(); if((*i)->LeftChild==CurrentNode){ CurrentNode=*i; Stack.DeleteLast(); return *this; } while(CurrentNode==(*i)->RightChild){ CurrentNode=*i--; Stack.DeleteLast(); if(Stack.Count()==0){ SetBad(); return *this; } } CurrentNode=*i; Stack.DeleteLast(); return *this; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator& TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::operator--(){ if(!CurrentNode) return *this; if(CurrentNode->LeftChild){ Stack.AddLast(CurrentNode); CurrentNode=CurrentNode->LeftChild; GoRight(); return *this; } if(Stack.Count()==0){ SetBad(); return *this; } typename List<Node*>::Iterator i=Stack.GetEnd(); if((*i)->RightChild==CurrentNode){ CurrentNode=*i; Stack.DeleteLast(); return *this; } while(CurrentNode==(*i)->LeftChild){ CurrentNode=*i--; Stack.DeleteLast(); if(Stack.Count()==0){ SetBad(); return *this; } } CurrentNode=*i; Stack.DeleteLast(); return *this; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::operator++(int){ Iterator Old(*this); ++*this; return Old; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::operator--(int){ Iterator Old(*this); --*this; return Old; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator& TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::operator+=(size_t n){ for(; n; n--) (*this)++; return *this; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator& TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::operator-=(size_t n){ for(; n; n--) (*this)--; return *this; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator& TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::operator=(const TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator& InIterator){ CurrentNode=InIterator.CurrentNode; CurrentTree=InIterator.CurrentTree; for(typename List<Node*>::Iterator i((List<Node*>&)InIterator.Stack); i; ++i) Stack.AddLast(*i); return *this; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> typename TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator& TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::operator=(const KEY_T& InKey){ CurrentNode=CurrentTree->Root->GetNodeByKey(InKey); return *this; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> DATA_T& TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::operator*(){ if(!(*this)) throw String("Reading from bad iterator!"); return CurrentNode->Data; } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Iterator::Delete(){ if(!(*this)) throw String("Delete from bad iterator. Nothing to delete!"); CurrentTree->Delete(CurrentNode->Key); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Add(const KEY_T& InKey, const DATA_T& InData){ if(!Root) Root=new Node(InKey, InData); else Root->Add(InKey, InData); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Delete(const KEY_T& InKey){ if(Root->Key==InKey && !Root->LeftChild && !Root->RightChild){ delete Root; Root=NULL; }else Root->Delete(InKey); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> DATA_T& TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::operator[](const KEY_T& InKey){ if(!Root) throw String("Tree is empty!"); Node* ReturnValue=Root->GetNodeByKey(InKey); return ReturnValue->Data; } // необязательный код для тестирования целостности дерева template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::CheckIntegrity(){ Root->Check(); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> void TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::Check(){ if(!this) return; if(Balance!=RightChild->Height()-LeftChild->Height()) throw String("Mistake in balance integrity!"); if(Balance<-1 || Balance>1) throw String("Tree is unbalanced!"); } template <typename KEY_T, typename DATA_T> int TreeMap<KEY_T, DATA_T>::Node::Height(){ if (this==NULL) return 0; return max(RightChild->Height(), LeftChild->Height())+1; }
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