- Checkers
- Checkers.(Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО "Профессионал", НПО "Мир и семья"; Санкт-Петербург, 2003 г.)
Checkers — (engl.) steht für: Eine Dame Variante, siehe Dame (Spiel) #Checkers Chinese Checkers, Halma 28px Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe. Kategorie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Checkers — Check ers (ch[e^]k [ e]rz), n. pl. [See {Checher}, v.] A game, called also {draughts}, played on a checkerboard by two persons, each having twelve men (counters or checkers) which are moved diagonally. The game is ended when either of the players … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
checkers — (n.) U.S. name for the game known in Britain as DRAUGHTS (Cf. draughts), 1712, from plural of CHECKER (Cf. checker) (q.v.). So called for the board on which the game is played … Etymology dictionary
checkers — is the AmE name for the game in BrE called draughts … Modern English usage
Checkers — the name of a dog that belonged to Richard Nixon. Nixon was accused of accepting money illegally when he was a candidate for Vice president in 1952. He made an emotional speech on television and said the only gift he had accepted was his dog.… … Universalium
checkers — n. 1) to play checkers 2) Chinese checkers * * * Chinese checkers to play checkers … Combinatory dictionary
checkers — Draughts Draughts, n. pl. A game, now more commonly called {checkers}. See {Checkers}. [1913 Webster] Note: {Polish draughts} is sometimes played with 40 pieces on a board divided into 100 squares. Am. Cyc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
checkers — Kōnane. Also: kōlane, papamū, mū, hiua. Kōnane stone, hiu, ulu; ili ili kea (white); ili ili ele ele (black). See ex., Kou. ♦ To move, as in checkers, ka i hele, ku i. ♦ To lose in checkers, as a stone or game, holo. ♦ To play kōnane … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Checkers speech — ➡ Checkers * * * … Universalium
checkers — noun a) A game for two players played on a chessboard; the players have 12 pieces each, and the object is to capture all the opponent’s pieces by jumping over them. Other European varieties have larger boards and more playing pieces. b) the… … Wiktionary