- Thermomechanical working
- Thermomechanical working.(Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО "Профессионал", НПО "Мир и семья"; Санкт-Петербург, 2003 г.)
Thermomechanical generator — The Harwell TMG Stirling engine, an abbreviation for Thermo Mechanical Generator , was invented in 1967 by E. H. Cooke Yarborough at the Harwell Labs of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. It was intended to be a remote electrical power… … Wikipedia
Термомеханическая обработка — Thermomechanical working Термомехани ческая обработка. Общий термин, охватывающий ряд металлоформующих процессов, объединяющих управляемую тепловую и деформационную обработку. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П.… … Словарь металлургических терминов
List of Mir spacewalks — A view of … Wikipedia
Stirling engine — Alpha type Stirling engine. There are two cylinders. The expansion cylinder (red) is maintained at a high temperature while the compression cylinder (blue) is cooled. The passage between the two cylinders contains the regenerator … Wikipedia
Ceramic engineering — Simulation of the outside of the Space Shuttle as it heats up to over 1,500 °C (2,730 °F) during re entry into the Earth s atmosphere Ceramic engineering is the science and technology of creating objects from inorganic, non metallic… … Wikipedia
Polymer-bonded explosive — A polymer bonded explosive, also called PBX or plastic bonded explosive, is an explosive material in which explosive powder is bound together in a matrix using small quantities (typically 5–10% by weight) of a synthetic polymer ( plastic ). Note… … Wikipedia
Rolling (metalworking) — A rolling schematic In metalworki … Wikipedia
Glass — This article is about the material. For other uses, see Glass (disambiguation). Moldavite, a natural glass formed by meteorite impact, from Besednice, Bohemia … Wikipedia
Nickel titanium — Nickel titanium, also known as nitinol, is a metal alloy of nickel and titanium, where the two elements are present in roughly equal atomic percentages. Nitinol alloys exhibit two closely related and unique properties: shape memory and… … Wikipedia
wood — wood1 woodless, adj. /wood/, n. 1. the hard, fibrous substance composing most of the stem and branches of a tree or shrub, and lying beneath the bark; the xylem. 2. the trunks or main stems of trees as suitable for architectural and other… … Universalium