Steam treatment

Steam treatment
Steam treatment.
(Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО "Профессионал", НПО "Мир и семья"; Санкт-Петербург, 2003 г.)


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Смотреть что такое "Steam treatment" в других словарях:

  • steam engine — steam engine, adj. an engine worked by steam, typically one in which a sliding piston in a cylinder is moved by the expansive action of the steam generated in a boiler. [1745 55] * * * Machine that uses steam power to perform mechanical work… …   Universalium

  • Steam locomotive — A steam locomotive is a locomotive powered by steam. The term usually refers to its use on railways, but can also refer to a road locomotive such as a traction engine or steamroller.Steam locomotives dominated rail traction from the mid 19th… …   Wikipedia

  • Boiler (steam generator) — Contents 1 Steam generator (component of prime mover) 2 Boiler types 2.1 Haycock and wagon top boilers …   Wikipedia

  • Detroit Steam Motors Corporation — The Detroit Steam Motors Corporation of Detroit introduced its first steam cars, called Trask Detroits, in 1922. The Trask Detroit was an assembled, or built up car, with its boiler, engine and related parts manufactured by Schlieder… …   Wikipedia

  • Chaplin's Patent Distilling Apparatus with Steam Pump — Chaplins patent sea water distilling apparatus. Alexander Chaplin Co. (also known as A.C. and Co., Alex. Chaplin Co.) was an important and highly regarded[1] engineering and manufacturing syndicat …   Wikipedia

  • Priming (steam engine) — Priming (foaming in North America) is a condition in the boiler of a steam engine in which water is carried over into the steam delivery. It may be caused by impurities in the water, which foams up as it boils, or simply too high a water level.… …   Wikipedia

  • Industrial water treatment — can be classified into the following categories:* Boiler water treatment * Cooling water treatment * Wastewater treatmentWater treatment is used to optimize most water based industrial processes, such as: heating, cooling, processing, cleaning,… …   Wikipedia

  • Bureau of Steam Engineering — was set up by act of 5 July 1862, receiving some of the duties of the former Bureau of Construction, Equipment and Repair. It became, by the Naval Appropriation Act of 4 June 1920, the Bureau of Engineering. In 1940 it combined with the Bureau of …   Wikipedia

  • Body treatment — A body treatment, spa treatment, or cosmetic treatment is non medical procedure to help the health of the body. It is often performed at a resort, destination spa, day spa, beauty salon or school.Typical treatments include:*facials facial… …   Wikipedia

  • Паровая обработка — Steam treatment Паровая обработка. Обработка железных деталей паром при температурах между 510 и 595 °С (от 950 до 1100 °F) для получения на обрабатываемой поверхности слоя темно серого оксида (магнетит или FeO Fe2O3) с целью увеличения твердости …   Словарь металлургических терминов

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