- Seizing
- Seizing.См. Заклинивание.(Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО "Профессионал", НПО "Мир и семья"; Санкт-Петербург, 2003 г.)
Seizing — Seiz ing, n. 1. The act of taking or grasping suddenly. [1913 Webster] 2. (Naut.) (a) The operation of fastening together or lashing. (b) The cord or lashing used for such fastening. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
seizing — index attachment (seizure), confiscatory, distress (seizure) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
seizing — [sēz′iŋ] n. 1. SEIZURE (sense 1) 2. Naut. a) the act of binding or fastening together, as with lashings b) lashings used for this c) a fastening made in this way … English World dictionary
seizing — /see zing/, n. 1. the act of a person or thing that seizes. 2. Naut. a means of binding or fastening together two objects, as two ropes, or parts of the same rope, by a number of longitudinal and transverse turns of marline, wire, or other small… … Universalium
Seizing — Seize Seize, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Seized}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Seizing}.] [OE. seisen, saisen, OF. seisir, saisir, F. saisir, of Teutonic origin, and akin to E. set. The meaning is properly, to set, put, place, hence, to put in possession of. See… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
seizing — /ˈsizɪŋ/ (say seezing) noun 1. the act of seizing. 2. Nautical a binding or lashing, consisting of several turns of light line, marline, wire, or the like, holding two ropes, etc., together …
seizing — n. Naut. a cord or cords used for seizing (see SEIZE 10) … Useful english dictionary
seizing — noun Date: 14th century 1. a. the cord or lashing used in binding or fastening b. the fastening so made see knot illustration 2. the operation of fastening together or lashing with tarred small stuff … New Collegiate Dictionary
Seizing — Seizings are a class of knots used to semi permanently bind together two ropes, two parts of the same rope, or rope and another object.Clifford W. Ashley, The Ashley Book of Knots (New York: Doubleday, 1944), 540 543.] Akin to lashings, they use… … Wikipedia
seizing — n. act of taking by force; confiscation; act of capturing; act of comprehending; act of taking control; act of quickly taking advantage of; act of attacking sɪËz v. take forcibly; grasp, hold; comprehend, understand; expropriate, confiscate;… … English contemporary dictionary