- Pin holes
- Pin holes.См. Поры.(Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО "Профессионал", НПО "Мир и семья"; Санкт-Петербург, 2003 г.)
pin — /pin/, n., v., pinned, pinning. n. 1. a small, slender, often pointed piece of wood, metal, etc., used to fasten, support, or attach things. 2. a short, slender piece of wire with a point at one end and a head at the other, for fastening things… … Universalium
pin-lev|er clock — pin lev|er watch or pin lev|er clock «PIHN LEHV uhr, LEE vuhr», a timepiece having all or most of its holes fitted with metals in place of jewels. Pin lever watches and clocks are less reliable and durable and less costly than jeweled timepieces … Useful english dictionary
pin-lev|er watch — or pin lev|er clock «PIHN LEHV uhr, LEE vuhr», a timepiece having all or most of its holes fitted with metals in place of jewels. Pin lever watches and clocks are less reliable and durable and less costly than jeweled timepieces … Useful english dictionary
pin·hole — /ˈpınˌhoʊl/ noun, pl holes [count] : a very small hole made by a pin or in some other way The water was leaking through a pinhole in the pipe. pinhole leaks … Useful english dictionary
pin|go — «PIHNG goh», noun, plural gos or goes. an arctic mound or hill shaped like a volcano, consisting of an outer layer of soil covering a core of solid ice: »The Mackenzie flows away from everything useful, away from civilization itself into a region … Useful english dictionary
PIN diode — Layers of a PIN diode A PIN diode is a diode with a wide, lightly doped near intrinsic semiconductor region between a p type semiconductor and an n type semiconductor region. The p type and n type regions are typically heavily doped because they… … Wikipedia
Pin tumbler lock — The pin tumbler lock is a lock mechanism that uses pins of varying lengths to prevent the lock from opening without the correct key. Pin tumblers are most commonly employed in cylinder locks, but may also be found in tubular or radial locks.… … Wikipedia
pin — pin1 S3 [pın] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(for joining/fastening)¦ 2¦(jewellery)¦ 3¦(electrical)¦ 4¦(bowling)¦ 5 you could hear a pin drop 6¦(part of bomb)¦ 7¦(golf)¦ 8 for two pins I d ... 9 pins ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ … Dictionary of contemporary English
pin — I. /pɪn / (say pin) noun 1. a small, slender, sometimes tapered or pointed piece of wood, metal, etc., used to fasten, or hold things together, to hang things upon, to stop up holes, or to convey or check motion; a bolt; peg. 2. a small, thin… …
pin fastener — ▪ machine component a steel pin, usually cylindrical, that can keep machine parts in proper alignment or fasten them together. The illustration shows several types of pin fasteners in common use. Hardened and precisely shaped dowel… … Universalium