- Bainite
- Bainite.См. Бейнит.(Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО "Профессионал", НПО "Мир и семья"; Санкт-Петербург, 2003 г.)
Bainite — is a phase that exists in steel microstructures after certain heat treatments. First described by Davenport E. S. and Edgar Bain, it is one of the decomposition products that may form when austenite (the face centered cubic crystal structure of… … Wikipedia
bainite — ● bainite nom féminin Constituant micrographique des aciers constitué par un agrégat de cristaux de ferrite et de cristaux extrêmement fins de carbure de fer … Encyclopédie Universelle
Bainite — Cet article est lié aux composés du fer et du carbone Fer Carbone Phases … Wikipédia en Français
bainite — /bay nuyt/, n. Metall. an aggregate of iron carbide and ferrite, formed from austenite below the temperature at which pearlite forms and above that at which martensite forms. [1930 35; after Edgar C. Bain (1891 1971), American physicist and… … Universalium
bainite — noun A type of steel formed after certain tempering processes … Wiktionary
bainite — an austenitic transformation product found in some steels and cast irons; it forms at temperatures between those at which pearlite and martensite transformations occur; the microstructure consists of alpha ferrite and a fine dispersion of… … Mechanics glossary
bainite — bain·ite … English syllables
bainite — Costituente strutturale formato da cementite aciculare in una matrice ferritica, con una durezza compresa fra 30 e 55 HRC … Glossario di Metallurgia
bainite — ˈbāˌnīt noun ( s) Etymology: Edgar C. Bain b1891 American physicist and metallurgist + English ite : a transformation product in solid steel developed from austenite at temperatures intermediate between those where pearlite and martensite form … Useful english dictionary
lower bainite — Смотри нижний бейнит … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии