- Hall process
- Hall process.См. Процесс Холла.(Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО "Профессионал", НПО "Мир и семья"; Санкт-Петербург, 2003 г.)
hall process — ˈhȯl noun Usage: usually capitalized H Etymology: after Charles M. Hall died 1914 American chemist : the process by which aluminum is produced consisting of electrolysis of a molten solution of purified alumina in cryolite at a temperature of… … Useful english dictionary
Hall process — a process in which aluminum is refined by electrolytic reduction of alumina fused with cryolite. [after Charles Martin HALL] * * * … Universalium
Process design (chemical engineering) — Process design is the design of processes for desired physical and/or chemical transformation of materials. Process design is central to chemical engineering and it can be considered to be the summit of chemical engineering, bringing together all … Wikipedia
Hall City, Florida — Hall City is a ghost town in Florida. It was established in what is now Glades County, Florida during late 1910 by Rev. George F. Hall, a retired Disciples of Christ minister living in Chicago, IL. Built and run locally by Rev. Hall s son, G.… … Wikipedia
Hall — [hôl] 1. Charles Martin 1863 1914; U.S. chemist: discovered electrolytic process for reducing aluminum from bauxite 2. G(ranville) Stanley 1844 1924; U.S. psychologist & educator … English World dictionary
Hall-Héroult process — The Hall Héroult process is the major industrial process for the production of aluminium. It involves dissolving alumina in molten cryolite, and electrolysing the solution to obtain pure aluminium metal.ProcessAluminium cannot be produced by the… … Wikipedia
Process management (computing) — Operating systems … Wikipedia
Process (computing) — In computing, a process is an instance of a computer program that is being executed. It contains the program code and its current activity. Depending on the operating system (OS), a process may be made up of multiple threads of execution that… … Wikipedia
Hall , Charles Martin — (1863–1914) American chemist Hall was born in Thompson, Ohio, and educated at Oberlin College, graduating in 1885. He became interested in the costly process of manufacturing aluminum – until the late 19th century aluminum was a precious metal… … Scientists
Hall of Mirrors (Palace of Versailles) — The galerie des glaces or Hall of Mirrors is the central gallery of the Palace of Versailles and is one of the most famous rooms in the world.As the principal and most remarkable feature of King Louis XIV of France’s third building campaign of… … Wikipedia