- Anneal to temper
- Anneal to temper.См. Смягчающий отжиг.(Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО "Профессионал", НПО "Мир и семья"; Санкт-Петербург, 2003 г.)
temper — [n1] state of mind atmosphere, attitude, attribute, aura, character, climate, complexion, condition, constitution, disposition, drift, frame of mind, humor, individualism, individuality, leaning, makeup, mind, mood, nature, orientation, outlook,… … New thesaurus
Anneal — An*neal , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Annealed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Annealing}.] [OE. anelen to heat, burn, AS. an?lan; an on + ?lan to burn; also OE. anelen to enamel, prob. influenced by OF. neeler, nieler, to put a black enamel on gold or silver, F.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
anneal — [ə nēl′] vt. [ME anelen < OE anælan, to burn < an , ON + ælan, to burn < al, æl, fire] 1. Obs. to fire or glaze, as in a kiln 2. to heat (glass, metals, etc.) and then cool, sometimes slowly, to prevent brittleness 3. to strengthen and… … English World dictionary
temper — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. temperament, nature, disposition; mood, humor, tone; tantrum, passion, rage; mettle, quality; calmness, composure, equanimity. See irascibility, feeling, intrinsic. v. t. moderate, soften; harden,… … English dictionary for students
temper — Synonyms and related words: Irish, abate, adjust, adjust to, allay, alleviate, alter, anger, animus, anneal, appease, aptitude, assuage, atmosphere, attain majority, attemper, attribute, aura, bad temper, balance, bank the fire, be tough, beef up … Moby Thesaurus
temper — I. transitive verb (tempered; tempering) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English & Anglo French; Old English temprian & Anglo French temprer, from Latin temperare to moderate, mix, temper; probably akin to Latin tempor , tempus time Date:… … New Collegiate Dictionary
temper — 1. noun 1) he walked out in a temper Syn: fit of rage, rage, fury, fit of pique, tantrum, bad mood, mood, sulk, huff; informal grump, snit, hissy fit 2) a display of temper Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
anneal — verb a) To subject to great heat, and then cool slowly for the purpose of rendering less brittle; to temper; to toughen. There was more than one way to anneal them with regards to resolve. b) To strengthen or harden … Wiktionary
anneal — /əˈnil/ (say uh neel) verb (t) 1. to heat (glass, earthenware, metals, etc.) to remove or prevent internal stress. 2. to free from internal stress by heating and gradually cooling. 3. to toughen or temper: to anneal the mind. {Middle English… …
anneal — 1. To soften or temper a metal by controlled heating and cooling; the process makes a metal more easily adapted, bent, or swaged, and less brittle. 2. In dentistry, to heat gold leaf preparatory to its insertion into a cavity, in order to remove… … Medical dictionary