- Crystalline fracture
- Crystalline fracture.(Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО "Профессионал", НПО "Мир и семья"; Санкт-Петербург, 2003 г.)
crystalline fracture — a type of fracture that appears bright and glittering, it having formed along the cleavage planes of the individual crystals. Normally an indication that brittle fracture has occurred … Mechanics glossary
fracture — fractures are often described by the appearance of the surface of the break in a piece of steel. Crystalline is bright and glittering, failure having developed along the cleavage planes of individual crystals and can be typical of brittle… … Mechanics glossary
Fracture — For other uses, see Fracture (disambiguation). v · d · e Materials failure modes … Wikipedia
Fracture (mineralogy) — This article is about the terminology used to describe fracture surfaces. For fractures in rocks and minerals per se, see Fracture (geology) In the field of mineralogy, fracture is a term used to describe the shape and texture of the surface… … Wikipedia
Fracture toughening mechanisms — In materials science, fracture toughening mechanisms are processes that increase energy absorption during fracture, resulting in higher fracture toughness.Intrinsic toughening mechanismsIntrinsic toughening mechanisms involve a fundamental change … Wikipedia
Кристаллический излом — Crystalline fracture Кристаллический излом. Излом, имеющий вид блестящих кристаллических граней на поверхности поликристаллического металла, возникающий в результате раскалывания многих индивидуальных кристаллов. Контраст с Fiber fracture… … Словарь металлургических терминов
No Highway — 1st edition (publ. Heinemann) No Highway is a 1948 novel by Nevil Shute. It later formed the basis of the 1951 film No Highway in the Sky. The novel contains many of the ingredients that made Shute popular as a novelist, and, like several other… … Wikipedia
Волокнистый излом — Fibrous fracture Волокнистый излом. Серый и аморфный излом, который встречается, когда металл достаточно пластичен для удлинения кристаллов перед разрушением. В случае волокнистого излома, полученного при ударных испытаниях, это может быть… … Словарь металлургических терминов
spermaceti — A peculiar fatty, waxy substance, chiefly cetin (cetyl palmitate), obtained from the head of the sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus; used to impart firmness to ointment bases. SYN: cetaceum. [sperma + G. ketos, whale] * * * sper·ma·ce·ti .spər… … Medical dictionary
sodium hydroxide — The most important commercial caustic. White, deliquescent flakes, crystalline fracture. Chemical manufacture; rayon and cellophane; regenerating ion exchange resins and textile processing … Forensic science glossary