- Critical shear stress
- Critical shear stress.(Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО "Профессионал", НПО "Мир и семья"; Санкт-Петербург, 2003 г.)
critical shear stress — Смотри критическое сдвиговое напряжение … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Critical resolved shear stress — is the component of shear stress, resolved in the direction of slip, necessary to initiate slip in a grain. It is a constant for a given crystal. Tests have been conducted on single crystals of metals to measure the shear stress required to… … Wikipedia
Shear stress — SI symbol: τ SI unit: pascal Derivations from other quantities: τ = F / A … Wikipedia
critical resolved shear stress — the shear stress, resolved within a slip plane and direction, which is required to initiate slip … Mechanics glossary
Shear strength (soil) — Shear strength in reference to soil is a term used to describe the maximum strength of soil at which point significant plastic deformation or yielding occurs due to an applied shear stress. There is no definitive shear strength of a soil as it… … Wikipedia
stress — the intensity of internal force acting at a point in an object. Stress is measured in units of force per area. Examples of a stress include a tension, a thrust, and a shearing force applied stress critical resolved shear stress maximum stress… … Mechanics glossary
Stress intensity factor — Stress Intensity Factor, K, is used in fracture mechanics to more accurately predict the stress state ( stress intensity ) near the tip of a crack caused by a remote load or residual stresses.It is a theoretical construct applicable to a… … Wikipedia
Stress analysis — is an engineering discipline that determines the stress in materials and structures subjected to static or dynamic forces or loads (see statics and dynamics) (alternately, in linear elastic systems, strain can be used in place of stress). The aim … Wikipedia
Critical state soil mechanics — Normally consolidated soil goes to critical state along the stress path on Roscoe surface Critical State Soil Mechanics is the area of Soil Mechanics that encompasses the conceptual models that represent the mechanical behavior of saturated… … Wikipedia
Stress — Forces from the outside world impinging on the individual. Stress is a normal part of life that can help us learn and grow. Conversely, stress can cause us significant problems. Stress releases powerful neurochemicals and hormones that prepare us … Medical dictionary