- vowel-gradation
См. stem-gradation.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. Ж. Марузо. 1960.
vowel gradation — noun Ablaut • • • Main Entry: ↑vowel … Useful english dictionary
vowel gradation — noun another term for ablaut … English new terms dictionary
gradation — [grā dā′shən, grədā shən] n. [Fr < L gradatio < gradatus, having steps or grades < gradus: see GRADE] 1. the act or process of forming or arranging in grades, stages, or steps 2. a gradual change by steps or stages from one condition,… … English World dictionary
gradation — n. 1) (ling.) vowel gradation 2) a gradation in * * * [grə deɪʃ(ə)n] (ling.) vowel gradation a gradation in … Combinatory dictionary
vowel — n. 1 a speech sound made with vibration of the vocal cords but without audible friction, more open than a consonant and capable of forming a syllable. 2 a letter or letters representing this, as a, e, i, o, u, aw, ah. Phrases and idioms: vowel… … Useful english dictionary
Vowel length — IPA vowel length aː aˑ IPA number 503 or 504 Encoding Entity … Wikipedia
Vowel breaking — Sound change and alternation Metathesis Quantitative metathesis … Wikipedia
Consonant gradation — Sound change and alternation Metathesis Quantitative metathesis … Wikipedia
Indo-European ablaut — In linguistics, the term ablaut designates a system of vowel gradation (i.e. regular vowel variations) in Proto Indo European (PIE) and its far reaching consequences in all of the modern Indo European languages. (For the general phenomenon, see… … Wikipedia
Apophony — In linguistics, apophony (also ablaut, gradation, alternation, internal modification, stem modification, stem alternation, replacive morphology, stem mutation, internal inflection) is the alternation of sounds within a word that indicates… … Wikipedia