chromatic accent

chromatic accent

Словарь лингвистических терминов. – М.: Издательство иностранной литературы. . 1960.

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Смотреть что такое "chromatic accent" в других словарях:

  • accento — (ударение | accent | Akzent, Betonung, Tonfall | accent, stress | accento) Термин, применяемый обычно для обозначения особенности произношения, которая состоит в том, что один из элементов слова выделяется своей высотой, интенсивностью или тем и… …   Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов

  • accento cromàtico — (хроматическое ударение | accent chromatique | chromatischer Akzent | chromatic accent | accento cromàtico) Название, которое иногда дают музыкальному или мелодическому ударению или тону (гр. khrôma «окраска, мелодическое качество»), чтобы… …   Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов

  • School band — Sveio School band at the Norwegian Championship in 2002 A school band is a group of student musicians who rehearse and perform instrumental music together. A concert band is usually under the direction of one or more conductors (band directors).… …   Wikipedia

  • Tone cluster — Example of piano tone clusters. The clusters in the upper staff C♯ D♯ F♯ G♯ are four successive black keys …   Wikipedia

  • Music theory — is the study of how music works. It examines the language and notation of music. It seeks to identify patterns and structures in composers techniques across or within genres, styles, or historical periods. In a grand sense, music theory distills… …   Wikipedia

  • Semitone — This article is about the musical interval. For the printing method, see halftone. semitone Inverse major seventh (for minor second); diminished octave (for augmented unison); augmented octave (for diminished unison) Name Other names minor second …   Wikipedia

  • Musical system of ancient greece — This article concerns itself with the music theoretical and mathematical tone system of ancient Greece. For a discussion of the cultural aspects and history of ancient Greek music, see Music of ancient Greece. The musical system of ancient Greece …   Wikipedia

  • List of musical symbols — Modern musical symbols are the marks and symbols that are widely used in musical scores of all styles and instruments today. This is intended to be a comprehensive guide to the various symbols encountered in modern musical notation. Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • Musical mode — This article is about modes as used in music. For other uses, see Mode (disambiguation). Modern Dorian mode on C  Play …   Wikipedia

  • Musical notation — Music markup redirects here. For the XML application, see Music Markup Language. Hand written musical notation by J. S. Bach: beginning of the Prelude from the Suite for Lute in G minor BWV 995 (transcription of Cello Suite No. 5, BWV 1011) BR… …   Wikipedia

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